Celebrate good time – come on! šŸŒŸ šŸ„³ šŸŽ‰

Well, what a wonderful first week back of the summer term! All children have been focused and ready to learn, over the next half term, in Long Mynd class we will be having big focus on handwriting and reading, we value all the support from home. Thank you .

We have been working hard to make our learning environments enchanted and informative this terms topics- see curriculum map on dojo and sent home.

STAR OF THE WEEK- Jess. Well done Jess for all your hard work and dedication every day. You are a fantastic role model to all children in the class and a greater helper. I would be lost without you. You have a smile on your face every day and strive to do your best. This was shown in your maths scores 15/15.

Easter naming competition šŸ£

Well done to George who won the Easter competition.


Earth Day – Thursday, 22nd April 2021

Hello everyone! It’s Mrs Thompstone here and I would like to tell you about Earth Day 2021.Ā  This is a worldwide event where we come together to celebrate our wonderful Earth, and today, Thursday, 22nd April 2021, is Earth Day.Ā  Every year there is a particular theme, this year the theme is ‘Restore Our Earth’.

Our Earth is precious and it is important to make sure we look after it.Ā  Here are two video clips explaining the history of Earth Day.

I would like you all to take part in an activity based on Earth Day.Ā  Below you will find a range of different activities for you to choose from, or you may wish to come up with your own activity idea.Ā  You can take part on your own or with a family member, you will be able to share your ideas and plans, as well as develop your understanding and learning of Earth Day.

Once you have completed your activity, please take a picture and either send it to your class teacher through your class email, class dojo, or please email them direct to me at Lawley@holytrinitycepa.co.uk.Ā  The deadline for our activities is Thursday, 28th April, and everyone who enters will receive a prize!

Please do have fun, be creative and resourceful, develop your understanding of our wonderful world, and get your family members involved.Ā  Remember to stay safe and please do ask permission from a grown up before using any resources.

Build a Bug Hotel

Build a hotel made from natural resources that any creepy, crawling insect would love to call home!Ā  The image below give you some ideas- they’re a little bigger than you may create but it gives you an idea of what you can use to make it.Ā Make a Bird Feeder

Create, build or decorate your own bird feeder that robins, blue tits, wrens or any number of garden birds would love to feast from!Ā  You could use natural resources or materials you have at home. You may want to make a single feeder or a bird feeding station!Ā 

Create a Nature Garden

Dedicate a small section of your garden to nature and the animals that visit it! Add a small area of water for bees or birds to drink from, add natural materials insects can call home or even add a box for a hedgehog.Ā 

Decorate a Bird Box

Create a lovely home for a family of birds by decorating a bird box. You may choose to build your own bird box to decorate or decorate one that is bought.Ā Ā 

Create a Eco Poster

Pick an Eco topic that you are passionate about and create an eye-catching poster that informs people on your topic of choice. This could be using less electricity, recycling more, reducing the amount of plastic used, reducing greenhouse gas emissions or reducing deforestation for example.Ā  Whatever topic you pick, make sure your poster is really eye catching and gets your message across. You could do this on paper, card, on the computer or in any inventive way your like!

Bake Earth Cookies

Follow the receipt to create your own Earth Cookies.

Climate Change Fact File

Carry out research and create an interesting fact file on climate change.Ā  Find out what climate change is, how it is caused and what we can do to reduce this.Ā  You may wish to research Greta Thunburg for support on your fact file.

Earth Day Acrostic Poem

Create an acrostic poem based on Earth Day.Ā  You may wish to use the words such as Earth Day, World or Restore our Earth.

Let us prayer together to celebrate our wonderful Earth.

Dear God,

Help us to care for and love our Earth, and all of creation you have blessed us with.


Good luck everyone, I cannot wait to see the activities you have completed.


Whole School Collective Worship – Faith and Belief (Genesis 1-2 – Creation / Earth Day).

Every Wednesday in class, the children will take part in a collective worship which will be teacher led. We will be posting the PowerPoint for you to join in at home if you wish.

The Christian values for this half term are: Faith and Belief. Each week the teacher led collective worship will focus on the Christian Values, with a story from the bible and a link to the wider world. We encourage all children to take partĀ  in the discussions and come together to sing, listen to stories from the bible, pray and reflect.

The first collective worship is by Miss Hutson which has a focus on Genesis 1-2-Ā  Creation and the faith and belief that God put in humans to care for the world he created. This also links in with Earth day on the 22nd April 2021.

Please see powerpoint below for the collective worship.

Collective Worship earth day

See below for the creation story Genesis 1-2

Please join in the action song – I’m part of Gods creation:

I have also provided onĀ  the powerpoint a beautiful video linked to Psalm 104 – our wonderful world:

We also have a prayer to end (please click on link to enlarge):

Gods and Mortals- summer term

When we return to school, Long Mynd will be learning about Gods and Mortals, this also includes Ancient Greece. I have attached the half term curriculum map for you to look at.

CURRICULUM MAP gods and morals

Please click on image below to enlarge:


I have also attached a word map for you to learn the key names of the Greek Gods and a short video from Horrible Histories – Groovy Greeks.


See you all on the 19th April, keep safe Mrs Rowley and Miss Hutson

Easter Sunday Home learning

Good morning, as we have a number of children either self isolating or working from home. I have provided a PowerPoint and a number of activities for you to complete over the next few days.

I have attracted a church video for Easter Sunday on slide one and a rage of activities such as:

  • Re-tell the Easter story in your own words,
  • Reading comprehension – RICĀ  style questions,
  • Maths reasoning with STEM SENTENCES,
  • Easter card,
  • Easter garden,
  • Easter crossword.


Please work through the activities if you have resources available. Any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us through Dojo.

Thank you and keepĀ safe from myself and Mrs Rowley.

Classroom-worship-easter-sunday Home learning

easter cross competition

egg templates






Pirate day āš”ļø šŸ¦œ šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø

What a fantastic week we have had. We began by reading a book called ā€˜Pirates Next Doorā€™ by the author and illustrator Jonny Duddle. We based our English around this. For the afternoon sessions we focused on Jonah and the Whale.

We have wrote a letter to a pirate, created our own sea shanty song, designed a treasure map wrote a character description and learnt how to draw a pirate. We conduced a science investigation as to why people float in the Dead Sea and focused on the big question: is a whale a fish or a mammal?


we finished the week off with a pirate day where all children walked the plank. Aye, aye captain!




Whole School Collective Worship – Perseverance.


Whole school Collective Worship – Perseverance

Good morning, so it is our fourth and final instalment of our whole school collective worship, please feel free to share with your children at home or in class.

This week the focus isĀ Perseverance.


As we develop this week’s value of ‘perseverance’ as a school community, we will consider the following:

  • How are we encouraged and given skills to persevere through difficult times?
  • How does our learning and teaching encourage and motivate children and adults alike?
  • Do we all understand that hard work and perseverance in all aspects of our lives is worth the effort?

A Christian Perspective on Perseverance:

Jesus frequently encouraged his disciples to ā€œendure patientlyā€ the difficulties and obstacles they encountered and to persevere in the face of adversity. He himself trusted in God even when his enemies tried to stop his work and plotted his death.

Please click the link for information and a worksheet on Perserverence –Ā perseverance

Please have a go at the Growtrh Mindset learning zone and see what pushes you toĀ  out of your comfort zone.Ā  This activity is fort you to discuss where you feel comfortable with an activity and whereĀ  you push yourself, never giveĀ  up, persevere to achieve what you want.Ā Comfort zoneĀ 

E.G I feel comfortable writing sentences with capital letters and full stops I am in my danger zone when asked to write sentences with expanded noun phrases .

E.G I am in my comfort zone when kicking a ball, I am in the danger zone when asked to go in goal.

We have a wonderful video from Holy Trinity Church for you to watch: ā€“ https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bt5VYWoIL6Y1dYqUnTehkR_ArDKX3aLt/view please click the link.Ā Within the video we focus on theĀ ā€˜The Parable of the Lost Sheepā€™Ā  which appears in Luke 15: 3-7


I have included two songs for you to listen to the lyrics focusing on never giving up: –


Inspirational people who never gave up!

Walt Disney – Disney was turned down 302 times before he got his dream of creating ā€œthe happiest place on Earthā€, better known today as Disneyland.

Michael Jordan – Ā Jordan is widely considered to be the greatest basketball player of all time, however he was cut from his high school varsity basketball team during his sophomore year. That only inspired him to work harder.

In his words: ā€œI have missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games.Ā I have failed over and over and over again in my life and thatā€™s precisely why I succeed.ā€



Ā Let us pray :-

Lord Jesus,

When I feel worried about facing a new challenge, help me to persevere. When the going gets tough, help me to persevere.Ā  when I feel like giving up, help me to persevere.




Whole School Collectible Worship – Forgiveness

Whole school collective worship ā€“Ā  Forgiveness

Good morning, so it is our third installment of our whole school collective worship, please feel free to share with your children at home or in class.

This week the focus isĀ Forgiveness.

A Christian Perspective:

Forgiveness is the means by which damaged relationships are restored. It is an act of the will, motivated by love.

For Christians, Jesusā€™ death on a cross it the ultimate revelation of Godā€™s all forgiving love, and his sacrifice stands a source of inspiration to forgive others, no matter what the cost.

Luke 6:37 – Do no judge and you will not be judged. Do not condemn and you will not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven.

We have a wonderful video from Holy Trinity Church for you to watch: ā€“Ā https://youtu.be/FpgNeZLLNEgĀ  please click the link.Ā Within the video we focus on theĀ ‘The Parable of the Lost Coin’Ā  which appears in Luke 15:8ā€“10.

As a school, over the next two weeks we unpicking Jonah and the Whale from the old testament. We willĀ Ā focus on the importance ofĀ saying sorryĀ and asking forgiveness.

I have included a song for you to play and reflect upon, please listen to the lyrics and think about the following:

Talk together about:

-A time when you needed to say sorry

-A time you didnā€™t say sorry but wish you had

-A time when you had to forgive someone who had hurt or upset you

-How it feels when you are given a new start because someone has forgiven you

Here are lots of interesting things to do linked to the ChristianĀ value – Forgiveness –Ā  click to downloadĀ your copy –Ā forgiveness

Activity sheetĀ  –Ā how-can-i-show-someone-i-am-sorry – activity

Prayer –

Dear Lord,

Thank you that you offer us forgiveness to all through Jesus. Sorry for the times when we have been slow to say sorry to others or not quick enough to forgive.

Please help us to ask for forgiveness when we make a mistake and accept our apology kindly.


Thoughts of the day:

World Book Day

Thank you everyone for helping to make World Book Day 2021 so successful. It was wonderful to see staff and pupils dressed as their favourite characters both at home and in school. Here are just a few examples:

We were very excited to receive our books from Booka Bookshop following our live author roadshows yesterday. You can watch a recording of the Roadshows by following the links below:



Finally, thank you to those children who sent us a video talking about their favourite book, here are just a couple:

Daily English- Long Mynd and Hawkstone

This morning task is to write a letter. You need to either write a letter as if you are the boy to the penguin or pretend you are the penguin and write a letter to the boy. Have a think what you could include in your letter, at the end of the story the boy is sad and lonely. You could use the letter to express your feelings.


If you would like to read the story please see the link below.



f you are unsure on how to write your letter, have a look at the PowerPoint below for step by step instructions on how to set it out.

letter powerpoint

Use the image below to help you write your letter. Remember to say who your letter is to, why your are writing your letter and make sure you say who it is from at the end. Click image to enlarge.