Friday Fun day – Maths

You have all worked extremely hard this week with maths, both on zooms and independently.

For todays maths I would like you to go onto, Purple Mash, Times tables Rockstar’s, Mathletics or Numbots.


This afternoon in class the children will be watching Happy Feet to link in with the Story lost and found.


Thursday afternoon PE and French

This afternoon is a creative and physical afternoon, I would like you to start with a PE session by Mr Wright from ‘TWWG’ please log onto his you tube channel and subscribe to today’s session.


This afternoon we will be looking at colours in French. Below is an interactive PowerPoint, as well as a Word map with all the colours on for you. Have a go at trying to pronounce the colours then have a look at the video’s below.

. PowerPoint- French Colours Powerpoint

Rainbow Worksheet- French Rainbow


Cheeky Challenge-




World Book Day- We Love Books!

At Holy Trinity we absolutely LOVE reading and we wanted to share with you some of our favourite books. Watch the videos below to find out about the books we love to read.

We can’t wait to hear about your favourite books too. Send your video to your class teacher on Class Dojo or on your class email.

On Thursday staff at Holy trinity will be holding live Story Time sessions on Zoom throughout the day. You can choose who you would like to listen to. The invites will be sent out by your class teacher on Dojo. We can’t wait to see which character you have chosen to dress up as, I wonder who the teachers will be?


Introduction to World Book Day with Miss Wright

Mrs Allcock shares her favourite book

Find out what Mrs Meddins’s favourite book is

I wonder which books the Early Years Team most enjoy?

Mrs Platt’s favourite book

Miss Hutson tells you about her favourite book

Miss Younger shares her favourite book


Miss Roberts talks about her favourite book

Miss Scoltock shares her favourite read


Can you guess which book is Mrs Kunne’s favourite?

Mrs Thompstone’s favourite book


Miss Kerr shares her favourite book

Mrs Phillips shares her favourite story


Mrs Morgan talks about her favourite book

There are also some great books to listen to on the World Book Day website below:

World Book Day tokens will be sent home with your child on Monday 8th March.

Word Book Day

Good morning, today is world book day, Miss Wright has kicked off the morning with a video  on the previous post and Miss Kerr has scheduled a live zoom at 9:30am, we look forward to seeing you all on the zoom. The whole school are focusing in the story, ‘The day the  crayons quit’.

Have a listen to the story below – click image to enlarge.

What is World book day? Why do we celebrate? Please see the power point for information about world book day  – us-t-2546067-world-book-day-pre-k-2-powerpoint_ver_3


We would like you to share your favourite book with your friends when returning back to school so please complete the following questions.. We would like to know

  1. What your favourite story is and why?
  2. Who is the Author?
  3. Who your favourite character is? 
  4. What you didn’t like.
  5. How the story made you feel? 
  6. What would you like to tell the author? 

Have a look at the worksheet below to tell us all about your favourite book.

Worksheet- Share a Story

For the rest of the morning we would like you to have a go at the activities set below. these are all focused around the book of the day ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’. Have fun!

We would like to see an image of you in your world book day costume -please email to or

Have a lovely day and enjoy the activities.

Whole school collective worship – SERVICE

“There is more happiness in giving than in receiving”

Good morning, so it is our second installment of our whole school collective worship, please feel free to share with your children at home.

This week the focus is Love and Service.

Jesus was called the ‘servant king’: we are learning that his mission was to serve God and to serve all those people he met, through his teaching, his example and the way he led his life.

Hall of fame-

JK Rowling is best known for writing the Harry Potter novels. She was awarded the OBE for “services to children’s literature”. She used some of the money she had earned from her books to create a charity called The Lumos Foundation. This charity has changed the lives of orphaned children in Eastern Europe.

LOVE – 1 Corinthians 13:4-5

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it doe not boast, it is not proud.


SERVICE – Matthew 5:42

Learn to generously share what you have with those who ask for help and don’t close your heart to the ones who comes to you to borrow from you.

We have a wonderful video from Holy Trinity Church for you to watch: –  please click the link. Within the video we focus on the bible story:

Luke Chapter 10: 38-42 – At the Home of Martha and Mary

I have also included a video for you to watch and even sing along to:

Here are lots of interesting things to do linked to the Christian value SERVICE click to download your copy –service activities

Though of the day:




Wednesday afternoon PE and Art and DT (platting or weaving)

This afternoon is a creative and physical afternoon, I would like you to start with a PE session by Mr Wright from ‘TWWG’ please log onto his you tube channel and subscribe to today’s session.



This afternoon you will be creating your very own technicolour dream coat just like Joseph. You will need to collect card/ paper or different coloured wool. Have a look at the YouTube video below to see what technique we will be using.

Platting with wool:

Paper weaving:


Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need any help. Thank you and happy crafting!

Daily English- Long Mynd and Hawkstone

This morning we will be writing a diary entry about the adventures the penguin and the small boy have. Please watch the video below to recap the story.

You will need to reflect on the story and recall some of the events that have taken place. Pick one or two events to write about and remember to use full stops, capital letters and past tense. You need to imagine you are the little boy and write from his perspective.


Wednesday 3rd March 2021


On Wednesday I answered the front door and on the doorstep was a small penguin, I was extremely confused. The penguin followed me everywhere I went and looked sad, I decided that the penguin must be lost and I started to help him find his way home…


Please see worksheet below

Diary Entry Lost-and-Found

Have a look at the video below to see what you need to include.

Please see a WAGOLL ( what a good one looks like):

Daily English- Long Mynd and Hawkstone

For English today we would like you to create a lost or missing poster for the penguin. Have a look at the video below which shows the penguin turning up at the little boys door lost.

When creating your lost or missing poster you need to include 

  1. Penguins Name 
  2. Type of Animal (species)
  3. Where the Penguin was last seen (date, where)
  4.  If found who to contact (telephone number, email, address)
  5. A picture of the penguin ( can label; clothes, items, props, colour in neatly)
  6. A description on what the penguin looks like (full sentences, expanded noun phrases, full stops)

Have a look at the picture below to give you some ideas on how to describe the penguin and what to include

Here is the worksheet for todays task. If you would like to make your own lost or missing poster you can.

Missing or Lost poster

Click to enlarge 

Have a look at the example below.

Please click to enlarge images