Science – Long Mynd and Hawkstone

For today’s science lesson, we will be looking at grouping and classifying every day materials. For this you will need to go on a hunt around your home for items made from different materials, E.G. T-Shirt (cotton), hat (wool), tracksuit (polyester) and plant pot (plastic). If you are unsure of any materials have a look at the picture below. Click to enlarge.

There are two activities for you to complete this afternoon. Have a look at the worksheet below where you will need to put the items you have found around your home into the right material groups.

Worksheet- Grouping

Once you have completed that activity, you need to have a think at which material will work the best and design your own coat. You need to label your coat with the properties it has and tell me why this material would work best. If you are unsure of what properties there are please see bottom of worksheet for the key vocabulary.

Worksheet- Design a coat

Have a look at the video below to help you identify different materials.

Types of materials

Materials have different properties that make them useful for different jobs.


Most metals are strong, hard and shiny materials that can be hammered into different shapes without breaking. They are good conductors of heat and electricity and some are magnetic. Their properties make them useful for objects such as cutlery, saucepans, cars and coins.


Plastics are materials made from chemicals and are not found in nature. They are strong and waterproof. They can be made into any shape by applying heat. Plastics are not magnetic. They are good insulators and don’t conduct heat or electricity. They’re used to make things like bags, bottles and toys.


Glass is made by melting sand and other minerals together at very high temperatures. It is normally transparent and can be made into different shapes. Thick glass can be strong, but thin glass breaks easily. It’s used for objects that need to be transparent, such as windows and spectacles.


Wood comes from trees. It is strong, flexible and long-lasting. It is an insulator of heat and electricity. It’s used to make things such as furniture.


Fabrics are made from thin fibres woven together. Different fabrics have different properties. They can be stretchy (a pair of tights), insulating (a woollen coat) or absorbent (a towel). Fabrics are used to make clothes as they are flexible, warm and do not wear out easily. 

Natural materials, such as wool and wood, come from living things or the ground. Synthetic materials, like plastic, are made from chemicals.

Please click on the Bitesize page to see a short video explaining the above everyday materials:  

We have also provided you with a PowerPoint if you are still unsure about grouping and classifying everyday materials: Grouping and classifying everyday materials

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any help with any of the above.



Maths support session this week – Times tables

This week we are holding Maths support sessions (for both Long Mynd and Hawkstone) focusing on times tables.

Children should know which individual times tables they are learning or need support with, however, if unsure, please just come along to the sessions you feel would benefit your child’s quick recall and fluency skills. See time table below:

Monday – 10:30 2s 5s 10s

Tuesday – 10:30 3 times table  11:00 4 times table

Wednesday- 10:30 6 times table  11:00 7 times table

Thursday – 10:30 8 times table  11:00 9 times table

Friday – 10:30 11 times table   11:00 12 times table

Click to enlarge also click  link to download your own copy of the resources  – times table postermultiplication-squareblank multiplication-squaremultiplication-wheels.

Remember, the curriculum suggests that by the end of Year 3, children should be fluent in the 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10 times tables, and then by the end of Year 4 it’s those tables plus the 6, 7, 9, 11, 12. 


Year 3: 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 8s, 10s

Year 4: All times tables up to the 12s


There are lots of fun and engaging online games to help with times tables, see below a list with links:

Times table rock stars:  (each child was given a log in – in their reading record)

Mathletics:  (each child was given a log in – in their reading record)

Purple Mash (maths – times tables assessment): (each child was given a log in – in their reading record)

Hit the button:

You are welcome to come along to any of the above sessions, they will each be about 15/20 minutes long and are there to: recap on the individual times table, talk through strategies to help you learn, a quick test if wanted, questions and resources.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us through Dojo, email or ring the school office if you have any questions.



Monday afternoon PE and Art and Design Technology

This afternoon is PE and Art and Design Technology.

I would like you to start with a PE session by Callum Wright from ‘TWWG’ please log onto his you tube channel and subscribe to today’s session.

Art, Design and Technology- This afternoon we will be tie dying old clothes, E.G. socks, t-shirts, vests, table cloths. It is up to you what you want to use. If your item is white then it will work better but this is not a necessity.

We will be tie dying to link in with our bible story for this week, Joseph and his coat of many colours.

On Joseph’s seventeenth birthday, Jacob gave him a magnificent present. It was a coat woven with a beautiful pattern that contained many different coloursJoseph loved the coat, but when his older brothers saw it they became even more jealous, and their dislike for him grew even stronger!

Please watch the video below for a step by step guide on how to achieve this look using food colouring. if you have any other methods for this with the equipment at home you are more than welcome to try your own.

Please see some examples below and we would love to see your creations with a before during and after picture.

Have a fantastic and creative afternoon and we look forward to see the wonderful tie dye items by dojo or class email.

Daily English for Long Mynd and Hawkstone

Please re listen to the story Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers.

For today’s task we would like you to imagine you are packing a suitcase full of items for the little boy and the penguin to take on their journey to the South Pole.

Have a think about the essential items they may need.

  • What will they eat?
  • What will they drink?
  • What will help them find the South Pole?
  • What clothes will they need?
  • What will the penguin need at night time ?

Remember to think of the climate at the South Pole when thinking of the essential items.

Below you will find  a blank suitcase template for you to use , however if you would like to create your own that is perfectly fine.

We would like you to draw, label and write a short paragraph about a couple of the items you have included. Please include adjectives within your work to describe the items.

Blank suitcase template 

Please send you work back via Class dojo and as always any questions please do not hesitate to ask.


Whole school Collective Worship

Good morning, so every week on a Friday, I will be posting a whole school collective worship for you to complete with your child/ren at home.

This week the focus is Wisdom.

A Christian Perspective on Wisdom:

Christians believe that true wisdom comes from God. As a believer grows in faith so wisdom will increase. In the Bible wisdom is seen both as a gift from God and a characteristic of God. In his parables, Jesus taught that placing trust in God and recognising what is of value in life brings fulfilment.

Proverbs 4:6-7

‘Do not forsake wisdom and she will protect you: love her and she will watch over you’.

We have a wonderful video from Holy Trinity Church for you to watch: –  please click the link. Within the video we focus on the bible story:

‘Matthew 7:24-27  – The Wise and Foolish Builders’.

I have also included a video for you to watch and even sing along to:

Here are lots of interesting things to do linked to the Christian value  WISDOM click to download your copy – wisdom

Though of the day:




Internet Safety Day


Good morning. Today we will be looking at how to use the internet safely. Have a look at the video below to learn some top tips to stay safe on the internet.


Have a look at some of the links below, there are different activities for you to complete on each website, you can choose which ones you would like to do. we will also set some internet safety activities on Purple Mash.

Purple Mash activities have been uploaded, please use the link below to access Purple Mash, your child’s login for this is in there Reading Record.

  1. My Identity
  2. Friend book
  3. Social Networks Debate
  4. Being a good role model

If you would like to have ago at some coding activities without your computer or outside, have a look at the activities below.




Funtime Friday-Maths

What a fantastic week from both Long Mynd and Hawkstone. I know its not the easiest to home school but the effort and dedication we have seen this week is fantastic.

For today’s Maths I would like you to spend time on: Purple mash, Mathletics, Numbots and Time tables Rockstars.


I have set new questions for you – if you have anu difficulties logging on please don’t hesitate to contact me on dojo or by class email:

If you finish have a go at have a go at creating a fun Maths game focusing on multiplication and division .

Have a lovely weekend and keep safe.

Many thanks Miss Kerr and Miss Hutson


Daily English for Long Mynd and Hawkstone

Today we would like you to re-listen to Lost and Found.

Your task today is to write a book review about the story.

Re-read the story and then answer these questions in full sentences…

  • Tell me…was there anything you liked about this story?
  • Was there anything that you particularly disliked…?
  • Was there anything that puzzled you?
  • Were there any patterns…any connections that you noticed…? Did it remind you of anything else you’ve read or seen?
  • Was your prediction correct?

Please find attached a copy of  a book review template. You can use think or create your own.

book review

Please find some examples for you to follow:-


Any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

We look forward to seeing your work. Please send it via class dojo or class email.