This week in Long Mynd

This week we’ve been looking at density in Science and have been carrying out some investigations where we compared the density of different liquids and even gases.

We have looked at a WAGOLL for descriptions and written our own based on our book Gorilla and we are proud of our presentation which we are trying hard to improve.

We have also been practising our textures in art, preparing ourselves to create our still life art in the coming weeks.

A Fantastic Start in Long Mynd

We’ve had a fantastic start to this year in Long Mynd and I have been so impressed with how the children are showing their maturity and working hard in all subjects!

Here are a few pictures of what we’ve been up to.

In Science we’ve been learning about the different states of matter and how these can change through melting, boiling and freezing.

In Geography we are learning about our continent of Europe, our place in it and all the other countries that make it up. We have been using atlases to find the countries of Europe and their flags.

We have been exploring still life in Art through the medium of watercolour.


We have been to the library to choose our Reading for Pleasure books and have had some time to talk about what we like reading and why.

The Last Few weeks in Long Mynd

Over the last few weeks we’ve been very busy in Long Mynd!

We’ve been busy looking at different glasses cases, their construction and the materials used to make them. We have also decided on what properties our materials would need for our own glasses cases and created templates.  We have created freeze frames of our class text, Zeraffa Gerffa and then written labels for them.

In PE we have been working on our sprint training ready for Sports Day.

We have also had a fantastic trip to our local art gallery in Oswestry where we spoke to the curator and an artist in residence. We had an amazing time and the children asked some veyr insightful questions. We also sketched anything that inspired us and completed an art hunt around the entire gallery!

Long Mynd’s Last Few Weeks

Over the last few weeks we have been finalising a lot of our work in Long Mynd.

In Computing we have programmed and debugged our own working piano keys that we can play using the Chromebook keyboards. The children were able to change the colours, sounds and motions of their Sprites to reflect the different keys played.

We have been building upto a derby with a partner in our tennis lessons and the children have been really improving their forehand and backhands with the rackets.

In French we played a French game where we could practise asking for things politely and then wrote our own french sentences. The children were fantastic!

In Art we have been inspired by the work of artists like Inbal Leitner in bringing Roald Dahl characters from 2D forms to 3D using clay. The children had a brilliant time!

What’s been happening in Long Mynd?

In Long Mynd we have been learning to play tennis, practising volleying the ball with our racket and rallying with a partner.

In Geography, we have been using   to find out about which countries are in each continent and researched facts about each continent on the Chromebooks.

In RE we are continuing to learn about the Pentecost and have studied art inspired by the gospel.