Growth Mindset

At Holy Trinity CE Primary Academy and Nursery, we encourage children to become confident and resilient learners, allowing all children to achieve their full potential.

We know that in order to fulfill the full potential of our pupils, we need to be modelling the mindset of a learner to not be afraid of making mistakes or giving up when they find things hard, but who thrive upon them and understand that this is all part of the learning process. We want all our pupils to relish challenges, embrace their mistakes, value the importance of effort, respond carefully to feedback and take inspiration from others.

At Holy Trinity, we consistently endeavor to challenge and develop the attitudes of all pupils toward learning by considering what makes a successful learner. We have dedicated sessions in class on how we can positively approach challenges inside and outside the classroom and it’s lovely to see the school buzzing with talk of perseverance, challenge, risks, and celebrating mistakes.

Central to this attitude and approach to learning, are the theories and proven evidence of a Growth Mindset by psychologist Carol Dweck.

The theory behind Growth Mindset is based on two types of mindsets, that children and adults may possess, a ‘fixed’ mindset and a ‘growth’ mindset. Below is an overview of the traits of each:

Fixed Mindset

  • I like my work to be easy
  • I don’t like to try a challenge
  • I won’t do it
  • I can’t do it
  • I believe I cannot change how clever I am
  • I don’t like to try new things because I won’t be very good at it
  • I give up easily

Growth Mindset

  • I never give up
  • I like my work to be difficult – it means I am learning
  • I love challenges
  • How can I achieve this
  • I can do it
  • I want people to praise me for the effort I put into my work
  • I believe I can get more intelligent by working hard
  • I learn from my mistake.

We are very excited about the prospect of nurturing a growth mindset culture at Holy Trinity.

Key aspects of growth mindset at Holy Trinity:

  • We celebrate making mistakes – we can learn from them;
  • We never give up – perseverance is the key if we are to succeed;
  • We learn from each other;
  • We don’t compare ourselves with others;
  • We challenge ourselves and take risks;
  • We remember that our brains are making new connections and growing all the time.

There is a link attached below for you to share with your child:

Below are some videos we’ll be using this half term to learn about Growth Mindset from Class Dojo – they’re easy to watch and explains it really well.

Episode 1:

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

Episode 5:


How you can help at home:

  • Praise the amount of effort your child is putting into things rather than how clever they are;
  • Talk to your children about their brain is like a muscle – the more they use it, the stronger it gets;
  • Encourage your children to not give up if they are finding something difficult;
  • Challenge your children to try something new or challenging.

Our Week in Long Mynd

We have had another excellent week in Long Mynd!

We have been exploring narratives in dance, focusing on how pollution attacks nature and the Earth.

We had some help from our new Play Leaders in Netball who helped us to practise our chest passing and pivoting.

In Computing we finished our characters and practised creating a stop motion film with them. The children produced some brilliant footage and we talked about how we could improve the films by taking more pictures and moving our characters a bit each time.


In Science we learnt that Magnetism works at a distance and tested the strengths of different magnets using paperclips. One magnet picked up 90 paperclips!

We had an incredible time on our trip to the Shrewsbury Sports Village where we got to try out lots of different sports and activities from archery to bowles.

Our Week in Long Mynd

We went to the library where we had books read to us and shared our favourite books with each other.

We went on a trip to KinoKulture to watch Two by Two: Overboard. The Children had an amazing time and really enjoyed their cinema experience.



We tested the strengths of different magnets and observed the pull of a magentic field from a distance.

We have thought about renewable energies in Dance and created our own dances which we performed to each other.

Magnets and Switches in Long Mynd

This week in Design Technology we created our own switches to use in our circuits. We learnt about which materials conducted electricity and had to solve any issues with our circuits by finding lose connections or swapping out parts.

In Computing we began making our own stop motion films in pairs. The children had a fantastic time and were very creative.

In Science we learnt about magnets and Magnetic Poles. We also carried out an investigation to find out which materials were magnetic and which weren’t.

Our Week in Long Mynd

This week in Long Mynd we have been very busy!

We have made simple circuits with working lights, switches and buzzers in Design Technology.


We have learnt about friction in Science and tested different surfaces using Newton Meters.

In PE we are creating our own eco-dance about recycling and looking after our planet.


Hi Key Stage  2

We had an introduction to our exciting Space Week this week. This year’s topic is all about sustainability in space and how we can help to communicate our ideas around the world so that we do not end up with so ,many satellites in Space.

You can research this topic, design your poster, and create it  in what ever way you would like to.

Your entries will be judged by Mr Kenyon and School Council and winners will be announced in assembly with prizes.

All entries must be given in by 4th November

An awesome week in Long Mynd

Long Mynd Newsletter and Overview

Autumn 1 Overview for Long Mynd


This week in Science we have looked at the functions of roots. The children learnt about absorption and carried out an investigation into whether a thicker root would absorb more water.

We have also been improving our collages in Art and moving onto creating and using stencils.

In Geography we have been learning about the different layers of the rainforest and have created our own information file on them.

In Long Mynd This Week

In Long Mynd this week we have dissected and studied the different parts of plants and their basic functions.

We have begun ‘painting with scissors’ in our Art, inspired by the work of Henri Rousseau and Henri Matisse.

We have been using Base 10 to help us answer questions on place value to 1000.

We have also been practising our French greeting and learning how to ask someone their names and answer with ours.

Welcome to Long Mynd!

Hello everyone and welcome to Long Mynd class! Mrs Lewis and I are very excited to see you all tomorrow and we have lots of exciting things planned!

School opens now at 8:40AM for children in KS2 and Long Mynd class will be entering through the main hall from the rear car park.

School will finish at 3:15PM each day and the children will be released from the main hall.

More information to follow soon!