English in Long Mynd this week 👑

Our English this half term is linked to our unit ‘Urban Pioneers’. We are researching London, where the children will write a diary entry after being taught how to write a diary correctly and what to include. So far we have look at a WAGOLL- what a good one looks like, read a selection of diary entries and evaluated them to identify if good or bad examples. Looked at chronology and ordering events using adverbs of time and today we described Buckingham Palace after watching a selection of videos to inspire and set the scene. Take a look at our week:

💫 star of the week 💫

🌟 Star of the week 🌟

George Wilson
George has been working hard on his reading and times tables.

He is becoming more confident in what he reads and answering comprehension questions . He even wanted to read at his birthday party!!( on Tuesday) – mum gave him a night off!

George has achieved his year 3 times tables target and passed 2 5 10 3 4 and 8s

He is now working towards the year 4 times tables – remaining ones (6 7 9 11 12 )

Well done and keep it up!

Whole School collective Worship – Justice and Humility

To week’s collective worship is brought to you by Mrs Meddins.

Justice PowerPoint Mrs Meddins – final

God’s Story: Sermon on the Mount

Jusitice –

Jesus calls his followers to see justice, not as a way of getting revenge and paying people back; instead, he calls them to forgive their enemies, go the extra mile and not judge other people.

Song to be played from collective worship.

Let us pray (click to enlarge):

💫 Star of the week 💫

Star of the week ⭐️
The lovely Medusa / Lola Rae Williams

Lol has had a wonderful week- first she came
dressed as Medusa and took on the role beautifully. She has a positive attitude to school and was a great participant on the day trying all different types of food. She is passionate about the topic and always is enthusiastic about her learning. What a fantastic finish for Lola


Also a huge well done to Miley and Henrik for achieving their swimming certificates. Super stars 🐟 🌟

Whole school collective worship – Justice and Humility

As we start a new half term, our Christian values also change. We will be focusing on  Justice and Humility.

Over the next 6 weeks, we will aim the collective worships around the two values with links to bible stories.

Collective worship this week is from Mr Hughes,  where he will focuses on the word ‘Humility’. (click images to enlarge)


Please click on the power point below.

Justice and Humility collective worship

Within the worship, we focus on the bible story:

John 13: 1-17Jesus washes his disciple’s feet

We also look at

The Prideful Ant  – A Story about Pride and Humility

 Philippians 2:3-4, Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.

Please join us with a prayer focusing on humility:

Fantastic Finish – Greek Day 🇬🇷🍇


Can I just say a huge thank you to all parents , carers and children in Long Mynd for the fantastic effort for today’s Greek Day!!

Please click link to see our video of the day:  IMG_8978

What a fantastic day had by all for our fantastic finish Greek Day. We danced the morning away with the Zorba, tasted Greek food, made a Greek salad and Moussaka, pressed and made wine (grape juice). For the afternoon session, we focused on the Greek artist Douris and  decorated Greek pots with a meander and Zeus prints with paint.