Summer 2 -Urban Pioneers

After the half term  we will be returning to school for our fantastic finish – Greek day. This is to  end the unit with a BANG! Or feast as we should say!

Following on from this, our new topic is called ‘Urban Pioneers. See curriculum map below for an insight to the unit. (Click  to enlarge):

CURRICULUM MAP urban pioneers

I have also attached a word map for you to talk through to start to familiarise yourself with key vocabulary:


And finally our book as the hook this half term is called ‘ Welcome to Silver Street Farm’. Each child will be encouraged to read the book as part of a whole class, group, paired or 1-1 read.


Some animal farms are up in the hills, or down winding lanes. But Silver Street Farm is different – it’s in the middle of a city, and it’s run by kids!

Even though Meera, Gemma, and Karl live in the city, they’ve always wanted a farm of their own. And it looks as though their dream may happen sooner than they imagined when Meera discovers an abandoned railway station with grounds for grazing. Next, some eggs they thought were foul hatch into ducklings, and a couple of “poodles” bought off the Internet turn out to be lambs. There’s just one problem: how can the kids – and the community – persuade the city council not to turn the old site into a parking garage? The first in a series of fun-filled stories about Silver Street Farm, here is a tale with natural appeal for kids who love animals, aim to be green, and enjoy a do-it yourself.


I am also attaching a list of home learning ideas you are welcome to do in your spare time to help you with the unit:

home-learning (1)

Celebrate good times – come on!! 🥳 🎈 🎉

Star of the week- Alfie Morgan
Alfie has a more mature attitude and is embracing a more positive way of thinking. He is completing more homework with mum which is lovely to see.
Alfie is reading every night and has read about 8 book this half term. He has increased his times tables score due to practicing at home.
He completed an independent write about his own Greek myth story.
Well done and keep up the excellent effort.
Faith and belief champion-
Anwen Chester
Anwen is a very caring and supportive member of Long Mynd. She shows belief in the other children by helping them when they are unsure. She never refuses to help a class member. She listens to children read, helps them to log onto a computer and shares her own knowledge.
We challenged Anwen to 144  mixed times tables questions which she scores full marks so we now challenge her to division questions. She can find this difficult but she has faith in herself to never give up.

Well done to all the children who passed their spellings.
have a lovely half term and keep safe





Whole School Collective Worship – Faith and Belief

Today’s collective worship is brought to you by Mrs Thompstone.

Mrs Thompstone’s Collective Worship – Faith and Belief

Again we will be looking at our Christin Values – Faith and Belief: (Click on image below to enlarge)

Today, we are going to focus on the bible story where Jesus calms the storm on the sea of Galilee.


Psalm 46 1-2 tells us that “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear…”


Please click on the image for The Lord’s Prayer:

Long Mynd presents…

The movie premier and Greek Myth like no other ….

Hercules and the 13th Labour- the battle to freedom!

Our English topic was to write a Greek myth- over the last 4 weeks we have looked at a selection of myths, broke down a plan and focused on each step. What a wonderful way to end the unit is by sharing our very own story. I am super proud of all the work the children have produced. We will be reading and filming our very own stories this week. Please click the link below!


Read more >

Long Mynd celebrations 🥳 🎉 🌟

Star of the Week
Tedi Yordanova
Tedi has really come out of her shell the last week few weeks, she displays positive attitude every day.
She is reading every day to an adult and accessing Bug Club online. She got 10 out of 10 in her spellings where she used to score 0.
Tedi was scoring 2/25 in her times tables and after practicing daily she has now passed full marks.
In her maths cold task she scored 0 and in her hot task she scored 12 out if 14.
The effort is amazing.

Also well done to all the children who received a certificate in spellings and times tables. Our challenge next week is for everyone to pass times tables and spellings and receive a certificate.

Not o oh did Tedi receive star of the week but passed her spellings, times tables and is not on accelerated reader.






Whole School Collective Worship – Faith and Belief

Collective worship this week is brought to you by Miss Wright. The focus this half term is Faith and Belief, Miss Wright as made a PowerPoint (see below):

Collective Worship Miss Wright

Within the collective worship we focus on:   Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)

Miss Wright asks:

An event you may see around id the ‘Big Asthma Bake Sale’ please feel free to support this event if you see  it around this month. (click image to enlarge).

Please join in with the ‘let love shine through song’:



Let us pray –  a prayer for my friends (click image to enlarge):

Greek myth crafts 🐂🕊

This week we have been working on our creative skills focusing on two Greeks myths.
Theseus and the Minatour and Daedalus and Icarus.

Firstly, we made a Minatour head out of paper mache. The children constructed the head, horns, made hair, a nose ring and facial features. 

Next, we designed wings for Icarus to fly to freedom. We talked about flying to close to the sun and the ocean and designed wings suitable for both. Some children made wings half suitable for the sun and half suitable for the ocean.