Year 5/6 Jungle Book Production

All of the Year 5/6 children showed off their amazing acting, dancing and singing skills in our end of year production.
We were so proud of you all. Well done on an amazing performance.



The children took part in our annual Holi Colour Run, where we spend the morning learning all about Holi, how and why it is celebrated. We then took part in a colour run.

What is Holi?

Also known as the Festival of Colours, the Festival of Spring, and the Festival of Love, Holi is a celebration during which people famously throw colourful powder and water at one another!


Who celebrates Holi?

Holi is a Hindu festival, celebrated by followers of the Hindu religion. However, people from all kinds of backgrounds and religions around the world are encouraged to have fun and take part in the Holi celebrations!


Where is Holi celebrated?

Although now a worldwide celebration, Holi is mostly acknowledged in countries in Asia, such as India, Nepal, and Bangladesh.

Dementia Awareness Week

This week we will be taking part in Dementia  Awareness Week

We are well on our way to becoming a ‘Dementai Friendly School’ and the journey so far has been both inspirational and informative.

This week is our Dementia Awareness Week at Holy Trinity and we have several things happening.

  1. We will be selling badges in school for £1, the badge is of a forget -me-not and all money raised will go to Alzheimer’s Society:

A forget-me-not is a small blue flower that represents remembrance.

People with dementia may experience memory loss, among other symptoms. This makes the forget-me-not the perfect flower.

If you would like a badge please speak to your class teacher.

2. We have the official opening of our ‘Garden of Hope’ where we have a special section dedicated to Dementia with a selection of blue flowers and forget-me-nots. We have invited residents from New Fairholme Nursing Home and local companies who have kindly donated to help us officially open the garden. Once opened, we will be inviting parents and carers to visit – Date to be confirmed for parents and carers.

3.  Across the school we will be making homemade blue flower bouquets to take to New Fairholme Nursing Home for the residents to keep. These flowers not only represent Dementia but the growing bond the children have.

Thank you for your continued support and if you have any questions about Dementia or this wonderful charity we are supporting – please visit their website: