Wrekin’s Week

It’s been another fabulous week in Wrekin class and the children have worked incredibly hard every day!

In English we have been designing and creating our own town, including labels, captions and lists. The children really enjoyed making their own buildings for the town and our finished town is something they are very proud of!

In Science we identified different habitats that animals could live in and matched animals to those habitats. There was some great discussion and the children were fantastic in working together to sort the animals correctly.


In Maths we have been continuing with Addition and Subtraction and have been learning about fact families.


Finally, in Art we have drawn factories, buildings and houses to put in front of our watercolour background from last week. Next week we will attach these and draw our people to complete our art pieces.

Star of the Week and Readers of the week for this week and last week.

Well done to Thomas and Ruby for becoming our Stars of the week.

Thomas has been really trying hard with all of his work last week and this week. His handwriting has made significant improvement and he is working on his presentation in all of his books.
The swimming teacher was also saying what a fantastic front crawl Thomas has. He demonstrates excellent swimming strokes within the top group.
Ruby is trying so hard in every subject. She shows such enthusiasm to all learning and she takes real pride in her work and demonstrates resilience in all subjects including ,maths which she sometimes finds more difficult.
Ruby has a very kind heart and will always help others and it thoughtful to their feelings.
Her art work is amazing and her swimming teacher praises her hard work and commitment in the top group in our weekly lessons.
Readers of the week!
Krissi and Anastazja have produced some excellent reading diaries and have been reading every night. Well done to both of them.

URGENT UPDATE: PARENTS EVENINGS – Tuesday/ Wednesday/ Thursday Evenings


PARENTS EVENINGS – Tuesday/ Wednesday/ Thursday Evenings

After re-visiting our school COVID risk assessment it has been decided that Parents Evening appointments will NOT be held in the hall.

Please see the information below for entering and exiting the school for your appointment.

Teacher Class Entry Door Exit Door
Mrs Meddins Clee Class Main front door from school car park (giraffe door) Classroom door to playground and exit up the Nursery path
Mrs Rhodes – Leader Earlshill Class Main front door from school car park (giraffe door) Classroom door to playground and exit up the Nursery path
Mr Hughes Wrekin Class Main front door from school car park (giraffe door) Classroom door to playground and exit up the Nursery path
Mrs Thompstone Caradoc Class Main front door from school car park (giraffe door) Classroom door to playground and exit up the Nursery path
Miss Roberts Longmynd Class 3/4 Doors on path further down from the office Hall Doors
Miss Hutson Ercall Class 3/4 Doors on path further down from the office Hall Doors
Mrs Taylor Hawstone Class 3/4 Doors on path further down from the office Hall Doors
Miss Scoltock Stiperstones Class 5/6 Doors on the Beech Grove Car Park 5/6 Doors on the Beech Grove Car Park
Mrs Platt Haughmond Class 5/6 Doors on the Beech Grove Car Park 5/6 Doors on the Beech Grove Car Park


  • Please can we ask that you wear a mask when you enter the building
  • Please use hand sanitizer provided before you enter a classroom
  • Please be considerate to staff and other parents waiting and be on time for your appointment.


Thank you for your co-operation and understanding in helping to keep our Holy Trinity community safe.



Here are some photos from the last few weeks of club.

Thankyou for using the club provision.  We are here to help before and after school. The children have been exploring the gardens, being creative with the paint and lots of other activities.

Haughmond Celebrate Harvest at Church

Today we were finally able to celebrate Harvest together again at The Holy Trinity Church.

We celebrated with the whole school, enjoying songs, poems, reflections and prayers.

Thanks to all of the class for setting such a wonderful example to the younger children and for a great performance on our reflection of the book – The Promise.

Finally thank you to all parents and carers for your very kind donations which will be going to local food banks.