New Reception children starting school

Dear Parents and Carers
Reception 2021
Please see below some up to date information regarding the children starting in Reception Class.
On Friday 3rd September the class doors will be open from 8.40am and the staff will be on hand to direct you to the classrooms.  Entry can be gained via the main Nursery gate on the left hand side of school.  The one way system is still in place and when you drop off your child please follow the route to the Beech Grove exit.
On Friday the children will stay until 12.00pm and will exit the school from the main front door (look for the Giraffe model) just before the main office door.
You are invited to stay for Lunch with your child on Monday, please advise the office if you would like to attend.  (11.30am at the office) If you are not going to attend please collect your child at 1.00pm from the main front door (as above)
Tuesday is another half day including lunch and collect at 1.00pm from the main front door.
Wednesday 8th September the children will stay for the full day and gates will open at 8.40am to drop off and 3.00pm for collection. Collection at 3.00pm will be from the classroom doors where the children are dropped off.
If you have any queries please contact the office, however there will be plenty of staff on hand to help and direct you.
Kind Regards
Mrs Meddins and Mrs Rhodes-Leader

Breakfast Club and After School Care

Dear Parents and Carers
Our wraparound care is now up and running. It will be held in the Acorns centre which is situated at the side of the school and can be accessed via the Nursery gate. Parents and Carers can use the small car park next to the Nursery entrance.

Before and after school care MUST be booked and paid for 1 week in advance. Payment must be made via Parentpay. If you do not have an account please speak to the ladies in the office who will help you set one up.

Sessions are as follows:

1st child Breakfast Club – 7.40am – 8.40am £5.00
1st Child After School Care 3.00pm – 4.00pm £5.00
1st child Additional Hour 4.00pm – 5.00pm £3.00

2nd child and any additional Children Breakfast Club 7.40am – 8.40am £4.00
2nd child and any additional children After School Care 3.00pm – 4.00pm £4.00
2nd child and any additional children additional hour 4.00pm – 5.00pm £2.00

IMPORTANT: Please use the notes box when booking and put the date you are paying for and the names of the child/ren especially if they are additional children.

Yours sincerely

Mr Kenyon
Head of School

What a great time Year 6 have had in our last couple of days!




Well – what a great end of the term we have had.

Yesterday the children all signed each others shirts and got their new Leaver’s Hoodies. A little bit too warm to enjoy them fully, but I’m sure they will get worn through the holiday and be kept and enjoyed.

The School provided us with a beautiful buffet sorted out by Rachel (our cook) and Larna’s mum. And Ethan’s mum kindly gave us all a very welcomed slushy! Thank you  

Today – we had the best day ever. It was so lovely to see the children have fun in the water, whilst learning some great skills and getting very wet indeed.

There are also a few videos on top of the post from our day, where a lot of teacher’s were getting very wet and Mr Kenyon was getting very paddle happy! – enjoy! I will try and up load more tomorrow as well as send you the final scene of our production.

Whole School Collective Worship – Justice and Humility

The whole school collective worship is brought to you by Mr. Kenyon.

This week we will be focusing on Justice.

Collective Worship Mr Kenyon

Have a look at the hall of fame below to learn more about images and statues linked to Justice  (click link to enlarge):

If you are interested in ‘Lady Jusitce’ , please take time to look at ‘Verity’ created by Damien Hirst which is placed on the docks at Ilfracombe, Devon.

A 66 foot stainless steel and bronze sculpture named Verity, created by world famous artist Damien Hirst, stands on the pier at the entrance to the harbour looking out over the Bristol Channel towards South Wales. It has been loaned to the town for 20 years. The name of the piece refers to “truth” and Hirst describes his work as a “modern allegory of truth and justice”.


The bible story we will refer to this week is Jonah and the whale:


Justice could mean giving wrong doers the punishment they deserve i.e… the punishment fitting the crime- just desserts, an eye for an eye, etc. However, it could also mean giving all people- particularly the poor and oppressed – what is right and fair for them to have i.e… life, health, freedom, and dignity- this is social justice.

We have used many different bible stories to emphasize this: Jonah and the Whale is one.


Please join us for one of our daily prayers (click to enlarge):

Whole School collective Worship – Justice and Humility

To week’s collective worship is brought to you by Mrs Meddins.

Justice PowerPoint Mrs Meddins – final

God’s Story: Sermon on the Mount

Jusitice –

Jesus calls his followers to see justice, not as a way of getting revenge and paying people back; instead, he calls them to forgive their enemies, go the extra mile and not judge other people.

Song to be played from collective worship.

Let us pray (click to enlarge):

Values champions 🎉🎊Faith and Belief

Last half term, as a whole school we focused on the Christian Values ‘Faith and Belief’. At the end of each half term, a child from every class is selected to be our values champion, this is because they displayed faith and belief throughout the half term.

Well done all to all the children who were awarded the values champion certificate and cross badge. Here are a few champions:

This half term we are focusing on ‘Justice and Humility’.


Transition picnic

Thank you to all the parents, carers  and children who joined us today for our transition picnic today. It was so lovely to see everyone getting to know each other and enjoying the lovely weather. There will be another opportunity to visit school and find out more about the September start and ask any questions you may have. This next meeting will be held in the 24th June. Thank you all again!