Sports Day Update to dates KS2

The sports day date for ALL of KS2 has been updated. The new date is now Tuesday 11th July at 9.30am. (Longmynd, Ercall, Hawkstone, Stiperstones and Haughmond Classes)
The other dates remain the same:
4th JulySports Day – Clee, Earlshill, Lawley & Caradoc 2.00pm
5th JulySports Day – Nursery 9.30am

Sun safety and the ‘Safe Schools national accreditation programme’.

Under the new PSHE (Health and Prevention) Curriculum which came into force September 2020, all English primary schools must now educate pupils about safe and unsafe exposure to the sun and how to reduce the risk of sun damage, including skin cancer.

Year 4 this half term are learning about sun safety and are participating in the ‘Safe Schools national accreditation programme’


The Year 4 children would like to share the sun safety policy they have discussed and a cover letter about what the school has in place for sun protection and safety.

Please don’t hesitate to contact Miss Hutson PSHE Lead ‘and Year 4 teacher involved with the ‘Safe Schools national accreditation programme if you have any questions for the above.

Parent_Letter (2)

Skcin policy


Haughmond visit The Willow Art Gallery

Yesterday, Haughmond visited The Willow Art Gallery. We had a wonderful time completing some questions set by Mr Hughes on finding out about artists, the medium that the artists used and their thoughts about the different pieces.

There was a resident artist there who the children chatted with and asked questions to.

Finally, the children chose the art work to sketch that caught their eye.

Thank you to Mr Hughes for organising the trip. We really enjoyed it,


Great Big Green Week

From the 10th to the 18th June we as a school will be supporting ‘The Great Big Green Week’.  The children have been learning about lots of ‘green’ issues, including recycling, plastics recycling and discussing the harm plastics are doing to our environment.

The children have been set challenges and homework in relation to the green learning so please give them your best support from home.

For more information please check out the website – Great Big Green Week


Year 6 at Crucial Crew 2023

The sun shone and we all had a great time at Crucial Crew.
The children learnt essential life skills yesterday.
This is an important part of their PSHE curriculum. . At Crucial Crew, children learn of the dangers of drugs, internet abuse and bullying, stranger danger, the effects of hoax calls. awareness of the many dangers of the sea, water, electricity, railways, poor hygiene, smoking, building sites, internet, dog awareness, alcohol abuse and farm situations were all covered. As a result of attending, Year 6  are now more confident in themselves and in a better position to make a positive contribution to their communities as they mature into junior citizens. The children also take this information back to their families, and members of their communities who may not have been privileged to receive this training.

Mental Health Awareness Week 15th – 21st May 2023

What is the theme for Mental Health Week 2023?

May 15th – 21st is this year’s Mental Health Foundation’s annual Mental Health Awareness Week.  This is a great time for us to focus on our own mental health and wellbeing however this year’s focus is on anxiety.

Anxiety is a normal emotion that we all experience and can help to keep us safe, but sometimes it can get out of control and become a mental health problem

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a common emotion that we’ve likely all experienced at some point in our lives. Anxiety affects over 8 million people in the UK – that’s a little over 1 in 10 of us. 


Anxiety also impacts large numbers of young people so the likelihood is that if not now, in the future you will experience or know someone who is experiencing anxiety.

At Holy Trinity, we have a trained peer mentor team available to support children across the school if they are feeling anxious or just need a friend, see below:

Below are a few strategies that might help with anxiety, we will be introducing these to children this week.

We have a specialist team at school who are available to discuss any concerns: see attached poster: Who might be able to help me

We also have a school portal where we are proud to support good mental health, you will find a selection of pages to support both children and adults. Within this portal, we have a parent concern box if you feel you need to contact a member of the school staff about your child’s mental health.

Click the link below and it will take you to the school portal: