Magnets and Switches in Long Mynd

This week in Design Technology we created our own switches to use in our circuits. We learnt about which materials conducted electricity and had to solve any issues with our circuits by finding lose connections or swapping out parts.

In Computing we began making our own stop motion films in pairs. The children had a fantastic time and were very creative.

In Science we learnt about magnets and Magnetic Poles. We also carried out an investigation to find out which materials were magnetic and which weren’t.

Parent Governor Elections

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have a vacancy in school for a new LAC (Local Academy Committee) member.
Please find attached all the relevant information that you need and a nomination form. You may nominate yourself but if you are nominating a third party, please ensure you gain their permission.

If you have any questions please contact the school office.

Kind Regards

The School Office

Parent-LAC – elections-Ballot-letter.docx

Parent-LAC – elections-nomination form.docx

Parent-LAC -elections-nomination-letter Nov 22.docx

Holy Trinity Heroes.

As part of our DT unit, we have been learning the different stitches. Today, we were joined by an amazing group of ladies who guided the children to thread a needle and learn stitches such as running stitch, back stitch, over stitch and many more.

We couldn’t have achieved the outcome without you.


Open Days – Do you have a child due to start school in September 2023?

Is your child due to start school in September 2023?
Come along to one of our Open Days. Have a look at our fantastic facilities and meet the staff.
Tuesday 8th November 10am – 11am
Wednesday 9th November 3.30pm – 4.30pm
Thursday 24th November 5.00pm -6.00pm

Open Days for children starting school in September 2023 will be on the following dates 8th, 9th and 24th November (see below). We would love the opportunity to show you around our amazing facilities and meet some of our staff. Children can start school in reception at the beginning of the academic year following their fourth birthday. Therefore, children born between 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019 can start primary school from September 2023. Please note that the online facility is open from 2 November 2022. You must apply by 15 January 2023. Applications received after the 15th January, without exceptional reasons, are considered late. Late applications will not be processed until all the applications received on time have been allocated. This may result in your child not being offered a school place at your preferred school.

Apply here:













Hi Key Stage 1 – COMPETITION TIME!!!!

I hope you all enjoyed your story about if I were an astronaut? I really hope it got you thinking about if you were an astronaut – what would you do?

The link

If you didn’t get to hear the story – press the link above.

We are looking forward to hearing all about your very own astronaut.

Design a picture or poster telling us at Holy Trinity – what your astronaut would do in space.

Entries need to be in by 4th Nov

Have fun!!!!



Llangollen Eisteddfod

The year 2 children had a wonderful time yesterday at the Llangollen Eisteddfod.  We watched dancing, listened to music and played a range of games.  We even had the chance to sit in a police car, with Mrs Lewis sitting in the drivers seat! Well done to all the children for their excellent behaviour throughout the trip.

Pilgrimage visit from Bishop Sarah and Bishop Michael

On Monday 9th May the Rt Revd Sarah Bullock, Bishop of Shrewsbury, lead a group of pilgrims past Holy Trinity School after calling at some of the churches in Oswestry.  Bishop Sarah took part in a 70-mile pilgrimage from Holywell, Wales, to Shrewsbury Abbey along the revived St Winefride Trail starting in April and ending in May.The pilgrimage started from where St Winefride lived in the 7th century in Holywell.

St Winefride was a young woman who had her head chopped off by a selfish prince named Caradoc after saying no to marrying him. Miraculously Winifred was healed and she came back to life but a red scar around her neck was left for the rest of her days.

We  invited the pilgrims  into our school where they were met by our school council members and a number of Christian values champions and given a tour around our school. They then headed to our library to have refreshments and a selection of our students were invited to talk to the group of pilgrims.