Wrekin’s Wonderful Week!

We have had a fun filled week in Wrekin!

We’ve attempted our own landscape drawings based on the work of the artist Stephen Wiltshire. We draw local buildings from memory, studying them for 10 seconds and then drawing what we could remember. 

In Science we have been thinking about the uses of different materials and why. We talked about making umbrellas from glass and metal and decided it wasn’t a good idea because of the properties of those materials.

We’ve also visited our library and spent time choosing and reading books together. The children really enjoyed this experenice and we talked about which books we enjoyed and why.

Wrekin’s First 2 weeks in 2022

Wrekin have had a brilliant first few weeks back after Christmas.

The children have come back to school ready to learn and we have had some fantastic experiences.

This half term in RE we are learning about the religion of Islam. We have learnt about where Islam started, the name of the Islamic god and what people who follow Islam are called. We have also written some Islamic words.

In Science we have been learning about Materials and have studied the properties of everyday materials. We had alot of fun feeling and testing different materials.

In Art we have been using different materials to draw spirals. We learnt that you always start from the middle when drawing spirals and really enjoyed trying all the different materials and colours.

We have been writing about dragons in English and found a dragon egg in class! It was very exciting and everyone was able to hold the egg carefully and predict what was inside.


Applications for starting school

The closing date for applications for Reception is fast approaching on Saturday 15 January 2022.

We would therefore be grateful to  parents of children , (those born between 1 September 2017 and 31 August 2018) that, if you have not already done so, you need to make application to the local authority for a school place before midnight on Saturday 15 January 2022.  We would strongly advise parents not to leave it until the last moment.  If they encounter any difficulties, neither schools nor the Admissions Team will be available outside office hours (in other words after close of business on Friday).  If parents do not make application by this closing date, their application would be treated as late and that could disadvantage their child when being considered for a place at their preferred school(s).

Paper application forms are not available.  Application must be made online at www.shropshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions

Anyone struggling to apply online is advised, well in advance of Friday, to contact Shropshire Council customer services or to attend their nearest Customer Service Point available here. https://www.shropshire.gov.uk/customer-services/find-a-customer-service-point/ Parents should check opening times and availability before visiting these sites.

Thank you PTA for a wonderful morning at the Christmas Fayre

We had a fantastic time this afternoon at the Christmas Fayre. The PTA did it again and worked so hard to give us some great stalls, fun, treats and prizes.
Haughmond would like to say well done and thank you.;

Haughmond Stars at Christmas Service

This morning, Miss Richards, Miss Robinson and myself were so proud of Haughmond who all took part in readings to answer some important questions that we had been interrogating (with the help of Rev Andrew) in our RE lessons. We found out about why Mary and Joseph travelled to Bethlehem and found out where Bethlehem was and how long it would have taken to get there. We also found out about the significance of why the the shepherds were chosen to visit the baby first and the gifts that the three men brought to the new baby.

We could not go to church today because of the weather, but the service took place at school and all teachers were extremely proud.

We made Star Christmas hats this morning to wear at our fabulous Christmas dinner.