Snow Day!

Happy Snow Day!

As well as enjoying yourself in the snow, below I have attached some activities you can have a go at completing today and over the weekend.

Click on the link below, to see a range of snow day activities you could completed whilst you are outside having fun in the snow.

Snow Day Activities


Snow Day Photography competition

Can you take a cool picture in the snow? Think about:

  • Footprints
  • shapes and patterns
  • snowmen
  • snowangels

Year 6

Please log onto SATs bootcamp and complete some practise papers on there.


Year 5

Have a go at completing the arithmetic practise questions below.

Y5 Extension Arithmetic

Snowflake Poem- Comprehension 

Snowflake comprehension

I hope you have a great day and lots of fun in the snow. Please share any pictures of your fun or work with my on Dojo.

Stay safe, and see you next week.

Thursday 21st October- Home Learning

This morning, we are going to participate in BBC’s ‘Deadly 60: Museum Escape’ Live lesson at 11am.

Click on this link below to access the webpage you will need for the live lesson.

Below, is a comprehension activity, which will support your learning from the live lesson.



After the live lesson, carry out further research into dinosaur fossils and Mary Anning.




20.10.21- Stiperstones Home learning

Good morning,

Please find the timetable of activities for today below:


Watch the video below, and then have a go at answering the RIC questions.


Write a book review on the class text Sky Hawk by Gill Lewis

Use the template below- to help you write your book review.




Yesterday in maths, we looked at adding four digit numbers together. Today- we are going to work on subtracting four digit numbers.

Firstly, warm up by completing the fluent in five:

Before, completing the worksheet for today- watch the tutorial video below, to remind yourself of how to use the subtraction column method.





In topic, I would like you to research and create a poster about Darwin’s theories.

Watch the video below to help you.


Don’t forget to submit your work to me on Dojo.

I hope you have a good day.

19th October- Stiperstones Home learning

Good morning,

Please find a list of activities you can complete throughout the day, if you are home learning.

TT Rockstars

By clicking on the link below- it will send you to our school login page for TT Rockstars.


In English, we are continuing with our biography of Charles Darwin. Below, I have attached the biography sentence starters, to help you. I have also attached some information sheets about Charles Darwin to help you with your writing.




In maths, we have started our new topic ‘adding and subtracting’. Today we are going to look at adding four digit numbers.

Watch the video below first, to help you with your column method.

Once you have watched the video, you can click on the link below, to complete the work sheet.






In computing today, we are continuing with our coding. I have set a ‘To do’. Below, are the objectives for the lesson.

Home Learning 16.7.21

Good morning Stiperstones,

We have made it to Friday and the last day of our online learning. Thank you for your excellent participation this week in our Zoom Lessons and for submitting fabulous work to me daily on Dojo.

At 9am we have got our English Zoom and as it is Friday I thought we could have a fun Sticky Knowledge Quiz to finish the week. Please find the Zoom link for this below:


Miss Scoltock is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: English/ Quiz Zoom
Time: Jul 16, 2021 09:00 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 941 0949 9622
Passcode: Hello

Our English lesson today is going to involve us answering RIC questions based on the chapter ‘Fight’ of our class text ‘To the Edge of The World’ by Julia Green.

Before you can complete the questions, you need to watch and listen to the video recording I have put on Dojo of me reading the chapter ‘Fight’. Once you have listened to the recording you can have a go at completing the questions below:

Chapter ‘Fight’ 16.7.21


On a Friday morning we usually have French. Today we are going to continue labelling and learning the different parts of the body in French.

Warm up by singing heads, shoulders, knees and toes in French.

Have a go at completing the worksheet attached below:

French Worksheet 16.7.21


Today in maths we are going to explore 3D shapes. Join our Maths Zoom at 11am:

Miss Scoltock is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Maths
Time: Jul 16, 2021 11:00 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 970 4875 5618
Passcode: Hello

Watch this video before joining our zoom at 11am

After our Maths Zoom have a go at completing the work sheets below:

Reasoning-about-3D-shapes 16.7.21





Watch the short clip of Blue Planet below. After watching the clip, choose one or two marine animals you’d like to further research and create a fact file on.


Have a good day and weekend team 🙂

Home Learning 15.7.21

Good morning Team,

Today we have got two Zooms. Our English Zoom at 9am will involve us reading the next chapter of our book and then completing our RIC questions from yesterday. Please find the link for our English Zoom below:

Miss Scoltock is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: English Zoom
Time: Jul 15, 2021 09:00 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 956 1967 6389
Passcode: Hello

The PowerPoint for the RIC questions on the chapter ‘The Loach’ is below:

Wednesday RIC


Today in maths we are going to explore regular and irregular polygons.

Before our Maths zoom at 11am- watch the recap video below:

Below is the Zoom link for our Maths lesson at 11am:

Miss Scoltock is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Maths
Time: Jul 15, 2021 11:00 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 940 2593 7489
Passcode: Hello

Here is the PowerPoint and Worksheet we will be looking at during our Zoon lesson.

Maths PowerPoint: Regular-and-irregular-polygons- PowerPoint 15.7.21

Maths Worksheet: Regular-and-irregular-polygons- worksheet 15.7.21


On a Thursday afternoon, we would normally have PE. If you still haven’t completed your virtual sports day challenges, then you can do this. I have also included some fun rock, paper, scissors PE.


We are continuing with out Animals including Humans Topic. Today we are going to look at the changes which occur in old age.

After watching this video, click on the link below to access today’s lesson and tasks.

Changes in Old Age PowerPoint


Have a good day Stiperstones, don’t forget to post your work onto Dojo for me 🙂

Home Learning 14.7.21

Good morning Stiperstones.

We have another exciting day planned. This morning we are going to learn about Jacques Cousteau in English, continue to explore our shape work with quadrilaterals in  Maths. Then this afternoon we are going to have our Virtual Sports Day.

We are going to start the morning with our 9am English and registration zoom. Please find the link for this zoom below:

Miss Scoltock is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: English Zoom
Time: Jul 14, 2021 09:00 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 922 7796 1555
Passcode: Hello


In English we are going to learn about Jacques Cousteau and create a fact file about him. Firstly, watch the video below to learn more about his life.

Here is the English PowerPoint for today- which we will be looking at on Zoom. English- Jacques Cousteau 14.7.21


Your English task for today is to create a fact file about Jacques Cousteau. Remember to include these features in your fact file:

  • Title
  • Sub-headings
  • Key dates and information (date of birth and death, places of study)
  • A ‘Did you know?’ question
  • ‘Wow facts’
  • Image

I have included a fact file template below, which you might want to use to help you.




The link for our Maths Zoom at 11am is below:

Miss Scoltock is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Maths
Time: Jul 14, 2021 11:00 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 955 1393 3446
Passcode: Hello

Today in Maths, we are going to be exploring quadrilaterals. Watch the video below, to recap your learning of quadrilaterals before our Maths Zoom lesson.

Below are the links for the PowerPoint and Worksheet, which we will be using on our Zoom lesson.

Maths PowerPoint lesson: Quadrilaterals- 14.7.21

Maths Worksheet: Quadrilaterals-Worksheet 14.7.21



At 2pm we will be reading the next chapter of our story. The link for this Zoom is below:

Miss Scoltock is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Story Time
Time: Jul 14, 2021 02:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 927 0312 7073
Passcode: Hello

After reading the chapter ‘The Lochan’ together, I have attached some comprehension questions on a PowerPoint below, for you to work through.

The Lochan RIC questions

Virtual Sports Day

As we are unable to participate in our sports day at school. I thought we could have a virtual sports day instead.

I have attached a PowerPoint below, which gives you further information.

Virtual Sports Day 14.7.21

Over the afternoon, you have 10 challenges to complete. Please send me videos and pictures of you completing your challenges.

Here are the challenges:

Have a great day team! 🙂