Collective Worship – Whole school Faith and Belief – Celebrating Cultural Diversity

This week collective worship is brought to you by Mrs Holland.

Collective Worship – celebrating cultural diversity

The focus this week us celebrating cultural diversity. We will look at the bible story ‘The Good Samaritan’ -Luke 10:25-37.

Please join  in with the action song below:

We will end with a though for the day (click image to enlarge):

Collective worship – Whole School – NSPCC


Whole School collective worship this week is by Miss Scoltock, the theme this week is NSPCC

Collective-Worship-NSPCC (1)

Please click on the PowerPoint to access.

If you have time, please watch the following video:
We also have a bible link to Faith and Belief:


Let us prayer click image to emlarge:

Earth Day Home Projects

Well done to everyone who completed an activity from my Earth Day post last week.  I have been amazed by your efforts!  Take a look below at the projects sent to me:

Lucas’ Earth Day poster

Odin’s Bug Hotel

Amelia’s Bird House

Hanna filling up her pond

Mia building their pond

Hanna and Mia’s completed pond

Kobie’s Bug Hotel

Alex’s Bird House

Anabel’s plants

Miti’s Earth Day poster

Indi’s acrostic poem

Indi’s Bug Hotel

Thank you to you all and to parents and carers for your ongoing support, what a difference you will make to our Earth through your wonderful projects.  You will all be awarded 5 class dojo points, and a small Earth Day prize will be passed onto you shortly.


Collective Worship – Faith and Belief – Pedal Power

This week we have a collective worship by Mrs Platt, she is focusing on believing in yourself and never giving up – The Big Pedal.

See Power Point below:

Collective Worship pedal power

Mrs Platt has included a few links having faith in what you do and when riding a bike.

See the song below and join in:

See the story below about faith:


Please click image below to enlarge the prayer:

Thank you and have a wonderful day.

Earth Day – Thursday, 22nd April 2021

Hello everyone! It’s Mrs Thompstone here and I would like to tell you about Earth Day 2021.  This is a worldwide event where we come together to celebrate our wonderful Earth, and today, Thursday, 22nd April 2021, is Earth Day.  Every year there is a particular theme, this year the theme is ‘Restore Our Earth’.

Our Earth is precious and it is important to make sure we look after it.  Here are two video clips explaining the history of Earth Day.

I would like you all to take part in an activity based on Earth Day.  Below you will find a range of different activities for you to choose from, or you may wish to come up with your own activity idea.  You can take part on your own or with a family member, you will be able to share your ideas and plans, as well as develop your understanding and learning of Earth Day.

Once you have completed your activity, please take a picture and either send it to your class teacher through your class email, class dojo, or please email them direct to me at  The deadline for our activities is Thursday, 28th April, and everyone who enters will receive a prize!

Please do have fun, be creative and resourceful, develop your understanding of our wonderful world, and get your family members involved.  Remember to stay safe and please do ask permission from a grown up before using any resources.

Build a Bug Hotel

Build a hotel made from natural resources that any creepy, crawling insect would love to call home!  The image below give you some ideas- they’re a little bigger than you may create but it gives you an idea of what you can use to make it. Make a Bird Feeder

Create, build or decorate your own bird feeder that robins, blue tits, wrens or any number of garden birds would love to feast from!  You could use natural resources or materials you have at home. You may want to make a single feeder or a bird feeding station! 

Create a Nature Garden

Dedicate a small section of your garden to nature and the animals that visit it! Add a small area of water for bees or birds to drink from, add natural materials insects can call home or even add a box for a hedgehog. 

Decorate a Bird Box

Create a lovely home for a family of birds by decorating a bird box. You may choose to build your own bird box to decorate or decorate one that is bought.  

Create a Eco Poster

Pick an Eco topic that you are passionate about and create an eye-catching poster that informs people on your topic of choice. This could be using less electricity, recycling more, reducing the amount of plastic used, reducing greenhouse gas emissions or reducing deforestation for example.  Whatever topic you pick, make sure your poster is really eye catching and gets your message across. You could do this on paper, card, on the computer or in any inventive way your like!

Bake Earth Cookies

Follow the receipt to create your own Earth Cookies.

Climate Change Fact File

Carry out research and create an interesting fact file on climate change.  Find out what climate change is, how it is caused and what we can do to reduce this.  You may wish to research Greta Thunburg for support on your fact file.

Earth Day Acrostic Poem

Create an acrostic poem based on Earth Day.  You may wish to use the words such as Earth Day, World or Restore our Earth.

Let us prayer together to celebrate our wonderful Earth.

Dear God,

Help us to care for and love our Earth, and all of creation you have blessed us with.


Good luck everyone, I cannot wait to see the activities you have completed.


Whole School Collective Worship – Faith and Belief (Genesis 1-2 – Creation / Earth Day).

Every Wednesday in class, the children will take part in a collective worship which will be teacher led. We will be posting the PowerPoint for you to join in at home if you wish.

The Christian values for this half term are: Faith and Belief. Each week the teacher led collective worship will focus on the Christian Values, with a story from the bible and a link to the wider world. We encourage all children to take part  in the discussions and come together to sing, listen to stories from the bible, pray and reflect.

The first collective worship is by Miss Hutson which has a focus on Genesis 1-2-  Creation and the faith and belief that God put in humans to care for the world he created. This also links in with Earth day on the 22nd April 2021.

Please see powerpoint below for the collective worship.

Collective Worship earth day

See below for the creation story Genesis 1-2

Please join in the action song – I’m part of Gods creation:

I have also provided on  the powerpoint a beautiful video linked to Psalm 104 – our wonderful world:

We also have a prayer to end (please click on link to enlarge):

Thursday’s Home Learning 1.4.21

Happy April Fool’s Day!

Today is our last day of home learning and the last day of the Spring Term. After today we will be on our Easter Holidays.

Like yesterday, we are going to start the day with a Morning Quiz on Zoom at 9.30am. The link for the Quiz is below.

Miss Scoltock is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Quiz
Time: Apr 1, 2021 09:30 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 942 5172 8117
Passcode: Quiz


As it is April Fool’s Day, in English today I thought we could have a go at writing riddles.

A riddle is a question or statement intentionally phrased so as to require ingenuity in ascertaining its answer or meaning.

Watch the video below to have a go at working out their riddles before you write your own.

Did you work the riddles out?

Now it is time for you have have a go at writing your own riddles. Use the PowerPoint and resource sheet below to help you. I look forward to trying to work out your riddles.




Today in maths we are going to continue adding fractions. Watch the video below and then have a go at completing the questions.

Spr5.6.4 – Add fractions within 1 from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Add-fractions 1.4.21

This afternoon, is going to be an afternoon of completing Easter crafts.

Below are some examples of Easter cards you might want to have a go at making.

Easter Baking

If you have the ingredients in the house, why don’t you have a go at making these Easter treats.


Story Time 

Click on the link below, to access the reading of Jungle Book. We got to page 18 yesterday.

Jungle.pdf (

I hope you all have a happy and safe Easter.


Home Learning 31.3.21

Happy Wednesday Stiperstones,

Today’s home learning is going to involve an English, Maths, RE and PE lesson- with a Read and Relax session at the end of the day.

We are going to start the day with a Haughmond Quiz on Zoom, at 9.30am. The link for the quiz is below.

Miss  Scoltock is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Quiz
Time: Mar 31, 2021 09:00 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 957 9279 5390
Passcode: Quiz


In English, we are continuing to look at the book ‘How to Heal a Broken Wing’.

Your task for English today is to research a breed of bird of your choice and to create a fact file on this bird. I have attached some resources below to help you.




Maths will be live on Zoom at 11am again, the link is below:

Miss Scoltock is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Maths
Time: Mar 31, 2021 11:00 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 952 5109 1255
Passcode: Maths

In today’s lesson we will be continuing our work on fractions. Today we are going to begin looking at adding and subtracting fractions.

Spr5.6.2 – Add and subtract fractions from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Below is the worksheet you can have a go at completing, once you have attended the Zoom.

Add-and-subtract-fractions- 31.3.21


Continuing our work on the Holy Week, today we are going to look at the next significant day in the Holy Week- which is Good Friday. Below is a video by the Holy Trinity Church, explaining the events of Good Friday.

LO: To write a news paper report on the crucifixion of Jesus.

Imagine you are a reporter for the Jerusalem Times, you need to write a report on the events which took place on Good Friday. Use the resources below to help you with your writing.




Story Time

Our Read and Relax session this afternoon, will continue with the reading of Jungle Book on Zoom at 2pm. The Zoom link is below:

Miss Scoltock is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Read and Relax
Time: Mar 31, 2021 02:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 973 8853 2606
Passcode: Story


Home Learning 30.3.21

Happy Tuesday Stiperstones,

Unfortunately, due the announcement yesterday of a positive case of Coronavirus, we are back to online learning for the next three days. The same principles are in place as last time. The children are expected to attend all Zoom lessons (we will be having 3 each day), and submit completed work to me via Dojo or the class email each day. 

Firstly, as it is Tuesday, we need to do our weekly spelling test. Our spelling test will be at 9.30am-  You will find the Zoom link for the spelling test below. I will be testing both my group and Miss Jones’ group.

Miss Scoltock is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Spelling Test
Time: Mar 30, 221 09:30 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 965 0046 5855
Passcode: Spellings


Our English for the next three days is going to be based around the book, ‘How to Heal a Broken Wing’ by Bob Graham.

LO: To write a poem on Kindness

Use ideas explored in the book and the video below to help you write a poem on Kindness.


In maths we are continuing with our Fraction work, comparing fractions. I will be doing a live maths lesson on Zoom at 11am- the link is below.

Miss Scoltock is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Maths
Time: Mar 30, 2021 11:00 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 951 3183 7033
Passcode: Maths

Spr5.6.1 – Compare and order fractions more than 1 (second part of worksheet) from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Complete these questions on the worksheet below, as part of today’s maths lesson.

Y5-Spring-Block-2-WO6-Compare-and-order-fractions-greater-than-1-2019.pdf (


In RE, we are going to continue exploring the events of the Holy Week. Today we are going to explore the events of Maundy Thursday. 

LO: To inference the thoughts and feelings of Judas during the last supper.

How do you think Judas felt about betraying Jesus?

What do think the other disciples thought of Judas?

What the video below, then write a detailed paragraph, describing and inferencing Judas’s thoughts and feelings about betraying Jesus.


At 2pm each day we will be having our Read and Relax sessions again over Zoom. The link for today’s session is below:

Miss Scoltock is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Read and Relax
Time: Mar 30, 2021 02:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 978 9476 3165
Passcode: Story


Star of the Week ⭐️

Stiperstones Superstar this week is… Rahim

Rahim is our Star of the Week for being a Maths Whizz with fractions this week. He has impressed Miss Jones and I with his fraction knowledge and hard work in class. Completing all work and challenging himself with tricky reasoning questions.