Stiperstones’ week of learning

Welcome back to the second half of the autumn term. We’ve had a great first week back.

Our first Stiperstones Superstar ⭐️

Stefani is a superstar for her amazing independent story writing.

Magic Maths 

Year 5 and 6 have been busy working on some pretty tricky maths this week, exploring square and cube numbers.

Story time in the Library 

We are continuing to read our class text- Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian. The children are really enjoying it and this week made some excellent connections between the story and Remembrance Day.

Reading Rivers 

Over the half term, the children were given a challenge of completing a reading river. I asked the children if they could make a river, illustrating all the different things they read over the week. Well done to the children below, who created some fantastic reading rivers.

⭐️ Super Stiperstones ⭐️

Our star of the week last week was Gabriela, for her excellent story writing in English.

Values Champion 

Alex is our values champion for consistently displaying the school moto of HOPE. He has produced an excellent piece of independent writing in English, but he also has helped one of his friends, who finds the classroom a little challenging at times. He is an excellent friend, always helping those around him and asking me if there are any jobs he can help with.


This term, Stiperstones have been studying the song ‘Happy’ during this unit of work the children have been learning the song vocally and have used the glockenspiels to play in time to the song ‘Happy’ explore different tempos and rhythms.


This term in PE the children have been learning the rules and skills needed to play a game of tag rugby.


Through the unit of Multi Skills, the children have been developing their balance, coordination, flexibility, agility and decision making skills.


This term science has been ‘All About Light!’
We’ve been learning about light sources, how light travels in a straight line, what causes shadows to form and change and how the human eye works. The children have show cases their learning creating some beautiful double pages of work.


This term we have been learning all about rivers. We’ve explored how rivers play an important part in the water cycle, the many different parts of a river, from the source to the mouth and the uses of rivers. We’ve compared world rivers to our local river- The Severn. The children show cased their learning through creating lovely double page presentations.

Free Read Wednesday in the Library.
This week we have enjoyed reading our class text ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’ by Michelle Magorian in the library. We are really enjoying our class book, learning about William Beech  a little boy who has been evacuated from London, during WW2 and is now living with Mr Tom.

Brave Colour

In art this term, we have been exploring colour. We’ve re-capped our learning of prime colours and how to make darker and lighter shades. Our artist study has been or Pablo Picasso. We’ve learnt about abstract art and Picasso’s famous style of cubism. Following our study we recreated a piece of work using the style of cubism.

Finally… Christmas has come early.

As a school we are participating in a St Chad’s Trust Christmas card competition. The theme of the Christmas cards were based on ‘Christmas around the world.’

Stiperstones News

🌟 Our Stiperstones superstars 🌟

Odin was a superstar for the huge effort he has put in to improve his handwriting

James was a superstar for his amazing writing in our recent diary writing based around our English text ’Star of Fear, Star of Hope.’


Free read sessions in the library on Wednesday afternoons. Stiperstones enjoy visiting the library on a Wednesday afternoon, when they’re able to explore the large range of fiction and non-fiction books.

Tag rugby PE lessons 



Investigating how shadows are made.

Wet Play Time DT activities with Mr Kenyon 

What have Stiperstones been up to?

Stiperstones have had a busy first few weeks back.

Firstly, we’ve had three Stiperstones Superstars 🌟

Majd was our first superstar, for making me proud with the hard work and practise he had applied to proving his handwriting over the summer holidays. 

Kobie was our second star, for impressing me with her  incredibly impressive reading age. On her recent Star reading test, her reading age was 3 years higher than her actual age!

Jess has been our most recent superstar, for making a great star to Y6 and being an excellent role model. 



Our unit of study this term is ‘light’. Year 5 and 6 have been exploring what a light source is, different forms of light sources and proving that light travels in straight lines.


In PSHE the children have been learning about healthy lifestyles. On Thursday, the children discussed the effects and risks of unhealthy diet choices.


Some of the year 6’s in Stiperstones have started their swimming lessons this week, they have a 10 week block of lessons, working on achieving their 25m badges.
On a Tuesday afternoon, they have been learning the skills and rules of tag rugby with Neil. Then on a Thursday, they have been developing their coordination, speed, agility, balance and flexibility skills with a ‘multi skills’ unit of study.


Our place value unit of study, has involved using concrete resources to develop our place value knowledge and ability to write, order and compare numbers up to 100,000.

Free Read Time 

On a Wednesday afternoon, Stiperstones enjoy their ‘free read’ time in the school library. During this time, children get to explore the vast range of fiction and non-fiction books on offer.

Year 6 attend Lifeline 2023 and learn some essential skills for their future.

Year 6 attended Lifeline on Friday, where they learnt how to keep themselves safe in different situations. They learnt about road safety, first aid, safety at the sea side, the farm, the railway, drugs, cycling, internet and so much more. This day is sponsored by the Rotary Club and we would like to thank them all for a wonderful day.
Thank you also to Thomas Ethelston’s mum for volunteering to come with us.
Well done to George, Connie, Miguel, Florence,Jamie,Raahith and AJ who came first place for their team work.