Stiperstones Stars ⭐️

📖🌟Superstar reading in Stiperstones 📖🌟

Congratulations to George for becoming a millionaire reader!

Congratulations to Anwen for reading over 500,000 words.


🏅 Our values Champion for Service 🏅

Stefani is our values champion for her service to her peer mentor job. She is an excellent role model and has shown outstanding responsibility to her peer mentor role, helping many children with any worries they may have.

⭐️ Stiperstones Superstars ⭐️

Harvey and Michael have been superstars for their improved attitude towards their learning. Well done boys.

Lola is a superstar for increasing her reading age by 2 years and 4 months on her recent Star reader test. Amazing progress! Well done.

Year 6 at Crucial Crew 2023

The sun shone and we all had a great time at Crucial Crew.
The children learnt essential life skills yesterday.
This is an important part of their PSHE curriculum. . At Crucial Crew, children learn of the dangers of drugs, internet abuse and bullying, stranger danger, the effects of hoax calls. awareness of the many dangers of the sea, water, electricity, railways, poor hygiene, smoking, building sites, internet, dog awareness, alcohol abuse and farm situations were all covered. As a result of attending, Year 6  are now more confident in themselves and in a better position to make a positive contribution to their communities as they mature into junior citizens. The children also take this information back to their families, and members of their communities who may not have been privileged to receive this training.

What have Stiperstones been up to?

Stiperstones have had a busy few weeks, firstly we have had many super stars ⭐️

Our Stiperstones Superstars 🌟

Georgi was a star for his excellent sewing skills.

Connie was a star for the excellent perseverance she has shown to improving her handwriting and gaining her pen license.

Ameera was a star for her overall hard work in class.

We started the term finishing our textile design and technology projects. The children used their design knowledge to research, design and make cushions. Myself and Mrs Rowley were very impressed with the children’s sewing skills and some excellent cushions were produced.


Year 5 started the term by completing their forces unit with an ‘egg-cellent’ air resistance investigation. They were challenged to create parachutes for their eggs, the eggs were then dropped from the same height to investigate which parachute was the most successful at creating the greatest air resistance. There was only one egg-cident.


In PE, we have been exploring different ways to travel, roll, balance within our gymnastics unit. The children have then used these elements to choreograph sequences.

Stiperstone’s Curriculum Overview and Newsletter for Summer Term 1

Hi Parents

Please click on the links below to view this new term’s Curriculum Overview and Newsletter for Summer Term 1

I have also included the power point for this year’s SATs meeting that took place last term. It has important dates and information about each day as well as arrangements for SAT’s breakfast for those children in Year 6 .SATs_Parents_Presentation__2023_SATs_

Summer 1 Overview for Stiperstones

Stiperstones Newsletter Summer 1

Our week in Stiperstones

🌟  Stiperstones superstar 🌟

Hasan is our superstar this week for his amazing maths!

We’ve had a busy week in Stiperstones.

On Monday, Y5 continued with their Forces unit in science. Their task was to build different shaped boats, to see which travelled through water the best as part of our water resistant learning. We were focusing on key vocabulary such as: stream lined, hydrodynamic and surface area. Great science took place and we discovered that the narrower and pointier the boat, the quicker it travelled through the water as it was the most stream lined.


In PE this week, we have continued to develop our strength, flexibility, balance, stamina and agility skills in our fitness and mindfulness stretching units of study.

On Friday afternoon we starting making patterns and prototypes of our cushion covers in our DT lesson.

We firstly had to make patterns on square paper, to pin onto our chosen fabric. This process required the children to demonstrate their precise cutting skills and perseverance with pinning their pattern onto their fabric.

Once they had their pieces of fabric cut, they practised their running stitch skills again from last week, to sew their two pieces of fabric together. It was a great afternoon and I was very impressed with the sewing skills demonstrated by everyone.