WBD visit to Booka

On Friday, we had a lovely walk in the sunshine to Booka book shop in the town centre for a visit, to spend our World Book Day vouchers and to have a story read to us.

On arrival, the children were asked to find a space on the lily pads, to get comfy and enjoy a chapter from Lee Newbery’s latest book ‘The Last Firefox’. All children really enjoyed the heart warming story about family, friendship and finding your inner fire. The chapter ended on a cliff hanger, making the children want to know more. A few of the class asked if I could buy the book for our next class read!

After our reading time, Stiperstones were given the opportunity to look through a selection of World Book Day books they could get with their voucher. There were many books to choose from, ‘The Worst Class in the World’ by Joanna Nadin and ‘The Wizrd and Me’ by Simon Farnaby being popular choices.

We all had a great morning, it was a lovely visit to our local book shop. Myself and Stiperstones would like to say a big thank you to everyone at Booka for making us feel welcome and creating a lovely morning for us. We hope for another visit soon!

World Book Day in Stiperstones

All children had great fun, dressing up and participating in World Book Day.

In the morning, they spent time in the school library completing a World Book Day scavenger hunt. The children had to find different things such as: a really good sentence, a moral or lesson that can be learnt and a sentence that should be shouted or whispered, in a range of books. They all had great fun looking through the books in the library.

In the afternoon, Stiperstones participated in a live story time with Michael Morpurgo, who read to them his new book ‘Jemima the pig and the 127 acorns.’ All children said they really enjoyed listening to his new book.

We all had a great day celebrating the love for books and reading!

Oswestry Youth Music Festival

Today, two Year 5 children from Stiperstones attended the Oswestry Youth Music Festival at Christ Church.

Both children sang ‘Daisy Bell’ by Dacre. They thoroughly enjoyed themselves and represented the school well.

Alissia commented, “I was the sixth person to perform. It was nerve racking, but I found enough courage within me before I started to sing. I performed well and achieved the grade ‘Merit’. Which meant that I performed a capable performance, showing some artistic appreciation and technical ability. I had great fun watching the other children at the festival, performing their pieces as well.”

Amneet commented, “I was the ninth person to perform. All the people who performed before me were wonderful, making me more nervous, because I had never performed a vocal solo before. Unfortunately, the nerves slightly got the better of me and I ended up forgetting some of my lyrics. I found bravery and courage within me, to continue my performance, despite the mistakes and completed my solo piece. As a result of forgetting my lyrics, I only managed to achieve a grade ‘Fair’. However, I would like to have the opportunity to preform a solo vocal piece again, so I can improve upon this performance.”

๐ŸŽ„Itโ€™s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Stiperstones ๐ŸŽ„

Stiperstones have been getting into the Christmas spirit over the past week. ๐ŸŽ„โญ๏ธ

It started last Wednesday morning, when we preformed our KS2 Christmas service. Over the past few weeks, in our RE lessons, we have been exploring the nativity story at a deeper level. Reflecting on questions such as: why were the shepherds the first to visit baby Jesus? Why did the three wise men give gifts of Frankincense, gold and myrrh? Why were Mary and Joseph travelling to Bethlehem?
Through our RE lessons, we looked at answering these questions and then preformed our learning in our Christmas service. All children have worked very hard and made me proud during our production.


We then enjoyed a fantastic Christmas dinner, cooked by our wonderful kitchen team.

Then on Friday, we participated in the Santa Dash! ๐ŸŽ…๐Ÿป
We all braved the cold and completed 15 laps of the daily mile loop around the playground. The children displayed some excellent running and resilience to keep going. We all had great fun! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ