Whole School Collective Worship – Faith and Belief

Today’s collective worship is brought to you by Mrs Thompstone.

Mrs Thompstone’s Collective Worship – Faith and Belief

Again we will be looking at our Christin Values – Faith and Belief: (Click on image below to enlarge)

Today, we are going to focus on the bible story where Jesus calms the storm on the sea of Galilee.


Psalm 46 1-2 tells us that “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear…”


Please click on the image for The Lord’s Prayer:

Thursday’s Home Learning 1.4.21

Happy April Fool’s Day!

Today is our last day of home learning and the last day of the Spring Term. After today we will be on our Easter Holidays.

Like yesterday, we are going to start the day with a Morning Quiz on Zoom at 9.30am. The link for the Quiz is below.

Miss Scoltock is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Quiz
Time: Apr 1, 2021 09:30 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 942 5172 8117
Passcode: Quiz


As it is April Fool’s Day, in English today I thought we could have a go at writing riddles.

A riddle is a question or statement intentionally phrased so as to require ingenuity in ascertaining its answer or meaning.

Watch the video below to have a go at working out their riddles before you write your own.

Did you work the riddles out?

Now it is time for you have have a go at writing your own riddles. Use the PowerPoint and resource sheet below to help you. I look forward to trying to work out your riddles.




Today in maths we are going to continue adding fractions. Watch the video below and then have a go at completing the questions.

Spr5.6.4 – Add fractions within 1 from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Add-fractions 1.4.21

This afternoon, is going to be an afternoon of completing Easter crafts.

Below are some examples of Easter cards you might want to have a go at making.

Easter Baking

If you have the ingredients in the house, why don’t you have a go at making these Easter treats.


Story Time 

Click on the link below, to access the reading of Jungle Book. We got to page 18 yesterday.

Jungle.pdf (cnr.it)

I hope you all have a happy and safe Easter.


Tuesday 12th May Stiperstones Home learning

Good morning Everyone! Yes it’s Tuesday again already – which means it’s spelling day!

Week 4 Cursive Handwriting Practice

Week 4 Word Search

Maths Reflection



Mrs Hughes is feeling very miserable. he only has one entry to submit to the competition for the art competition.

The subject is ‘Playing ‘ – Come on Stiperstones- you are all fantastic artists. Lets make Mr Hughes happy. (You could win £50 for yourself and £100 for our school!!!)

Mrs Alcock has also sent a post out about it being National Nurses day today- She wants you draw a picture of any nurses in their PPE or in normal uniform.So lets get our creative hats on and do some wonderful art this afternoon.

Don’t forget to send them all by the end of the day please.

How can it be a Spelling Day again already?

Good morning Stiperstones.

Yes it’s Tuesday again today and another spelling day!

wb 27.4.20 (3) Here is this weeks timetable with all the links to activities.

Mr Hughes has also posted another art challenge – so why not get involved?

Spelling for today Word Search week 2Continuus Cursive Handwriting Practice Sheet week 2  

Have a great day! Stay safe!