A week in Stiperstones

This week year 5 have enjoyed participating in Multi-skills in their PE lessons. We have looked at how to efficiently and effectively change direction at speed and maintain our balance and coordination. There has been lots of learning of new skills along with laughter as we have applied the skills learnt to our plenary game where children work as a team to consolidate the skills learnt.

During our Science lesson this week we have learnt all about day and night and how due to the suns mass and gravitational pull the earth orbits the sun. The class used globes and torches for a visual representation of how day turns into night.


A week in Hawkstone class

⭐️ Star of the week Harri ⭐️

Well done Harri for his maturity in settling into year 4 with a positive attitude to learning. He has been a superstar.

In pe this half term we have been focusing on our ball sports, agility, coordination and balance.

In science, we have been organising toys into different groups, we brought our favourite toys in from home to talk about their features.

As part of our outdoor pe session, the children are focusing on football taught by our outside agency.

We have had a busy week and look forward to the next week. Thank you for your continued support.

Hawkstone News

⭐️ Well done to Ellie who is our first star of the week. 🌟

She has settled well into year 4 and has been a role model to the other children in the class. Well done.


This week we had our first pe sessions. We have football on a Tuesday and multi skills on a Friday. We rotated around the tasks and performed different skills- agility, balance and coordination.

Our geography unit is the local area. We recapped on what we knew about the world and then focused on our local area Oswestry. We used google maps to help us find familiar places such as our school, our home, shops and the supermarket.

Each year the children have the opportunity to become a member of the school council. They write a manifesto and present this to the class where they will vote for 2 members. The children did a fantastic job- we will announce the new members this week.


Year 6 visit Crucial Crewe

The children had great fun and we would once again like to say a huge thank you to all the services that supported this fabulous event.

Year 6 learnt some crucial lesson at Crucial Crewe
They mixed with other schools to learn about all sorts of vital lessons for the future.

Crucial Crew provides today’s children with an opportunity to acquire essential life skills at an impressionable time in their development. At Crucial Crew, children learn of the dangers of drugs, internet abuse and bullying, stranger danger, the effects of hoax calls etc. For many organisations, it is a rare and most cost-effective opportunity to raise awareness of the many dangers of the sea, water, electricity, railways, poor hygiene, smoking, building sites, internet, dog awareness, alcohol abuse and farm situations. As a result of attending, they are more confident in themselves and in a better position to make a positive contribution to their communities as they mature into junior citizens. The children also take this information back to their families, and members of their communities who may not have been privileged to receive this training.




Our week inErcall

It’s been a busy week for our first week back! We’ve practiced sports day, started a new english unit and created a science poster about our topic last term!

Next week, the year 4’s will finish their multiplication check, we will look in lunch boxes for DT and start to learn about Egyptians in History!

Fresh spellings have also been set.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Roberts