Hawkstone class

This week we have 2 stars of the week- I couldn’t choose one as both girls were amazing !

Liliana – for her increased confident and excellent gymnastics skills.

Valeria – amazing written work and description of Mt Vesuvius, including perfect past tenses, fronted adverbials and senses.

We have been busy this week in all areas of the curriculum. We have now finished our science unit – have a look at some of our posters to show what we have learnt over the unit.

In pe we have been learning the bunny hop and using this to help us onto the high box.


For art this week we read the poem ‘jabberwocky’ be Lewis Caroll and illustrated what we thought the ‘Jabberwocky’ looked like. (Pictures to follow as they were still wet from the paint.)


Thank you for the support for numbers day, winner of the jelly beans will be announced Monday and all money raised goes to NSPCC. Our maths lesson today involved jelly beans and we enjoyed eating them after.

On Tuesday, we will be visiting Oswestry library where the children will listen to stories being read and have a chance to look around.

We said goodbye to Miss Ashford our student teacher today who has been with us for over 8 weeks .

Friday is our last week before half term and have lots of fun activities next week.

Our week in Clee

We have had another fun-packed busy week.


In Mastering Number Maths we have been looking at the staircase pattern using Numberblocks. We have talked about numbers being one bigger and one smaller than the one next to them:




In Literacy we have started reading some pages from our focus text ‘Let’s all creep through Crocodile Creek’. Following on from drawing a journey last week, this week we talked about how we would travel. The children drew and wrote about their mode of transport:



The children were really excited about the snow. They spent lots of time playing and exploring:



Here are some photographs of our other learning during the week:

What a fantastic busy week!

Hello all. What another busy week we have had in nursery, continuing looking at our class book crocodile creek. We have been making lots of art and crafts from the animals in the story. We have talked about turtles, and crocodiles and had water play with sea creatures and it was the colour blue. We have made bridges and creeks in a tuft tray. We have explored outdoors continually increasing our physical development skills, independence and social and emotional skills.
At snack time we have been buttering our own crackers, pouring our own drinks and making choices as to what we would like.

We have had some more new starters trying out and they are beginning to settle and follow nursery routines. Here are some pictures from our week. Next week Miss Rowley will be joining the nursery team in the mornings.

Thanks for your continued support for your children. They re doing wonderfully and continuing to develop their all round development. Please help support their independence and share any interests that your children may have.

Miss Evans, Mrs Wickwar and Mrs Dallow.

Our week in Haughmond

What another busy week we have had in Haughmond this week.

We really enjoyed making our circuits and investigated what would happen adding more cells and bulbs.

We also celebrated Anti bullying Week with Odd Sock Day.

We have started a new Music unit of Jass and played a very tricky piece on our glockenspiels.

Our class took part in a special Picture News on the Protected Characteristics. These characteristics are part of our British Values and help us understand respect and tolerance.

Finally, we really enjoyed celebrating Children in Need



Our Week in Lawley

It has been lovely to get to know the children in Lawley. The children have done a marvellous job with their diaries from the English book “Look Up”. We’ve had a wonderful start to the year! This week we have achieved personal bests in PE,  completed a Geography quiz and project, and edited our independent write in English 😊