⭐️ Super Stiperstones ⭐️

Our star of the week last week was Gabriela, for her excellent story writing in English.

Values Champion 

Alex is our values champion for consistently displaying the school moto of HOPE. He has produced an excellent piece of independent writing in English, but he also has helped one of his friends, who finds the classroom a little challenging at times. He is an excellent friend, always helping those around him and asking me if there are any jobs he can help with.


This term, Stiperstones have been studying the song ‘Happy’ during this unit of work the children have been learning the song vocally and have used the glockenspiels to play in time to the song ‘Happy’ explore different tempos and rhythms.


This term in PE the children have been learning the rules and skills needed to play a game of tag rugby.


Through the unit of Multi Skills, the children have been developing their balance, coordination, flexibility, agility and decision making skills.


This term science has been ‘All About Light!’
We’ve been learning about light sources, how light travels in a straight line, what causes shadows to form and change and how the human eye works. The children have show cases their learning creating some beautiful double pages of work.


This term we have been learning all about rivers. We’ve explored how rivers play an important part in the water cycle, the many different parts of a river, from the source to the mouth and the uses of rivers. We’ve compared world rivers to our local river- The Severn. The children show cased their learning through creating lovely double page presentations.

Free Read Wednesday in the Library.
This week we have enjoyed reading our class text ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’ by Michelle Magorian in the library. We are really enjoying our class book, learning about William Beech  a little boy who has been evacuated from London, during WW2 and is now living with Mr Tom.

Brave Colour

In art this term, we have been exploring colour. We’ve re-capped our learning of prime colours and how to make darker and lighter shades. Our artist study has been or Pablo Picasso. We’ve learnt about abstract art and Picasso’s famous style of cubism. Following our study we recreated a piece of work using the style of cubism.

Finally… Christmas has come early.

As a school we are participating in a St Chad’s Trust Christmas card competition. The theme of the Christmas cards were based on ‘Christmas around the world.’

PE this term

Year 3/4 football tournament!

This term we were lucky enough to go to the year 3/4 football tournament at the marches. The children worked really hard and we’re commended for their efforts by neighbouring schools. We were so proud of how they represented our schools and their teamwork. Well done ⚽️

Last week some of our year 5/6 children competed in the tag rugby tournament at Oswestry rugby club. Despite the cold, they played their hearts out and displayed a positive attitude all day. We came third in our league and had invitations to join the club too. Well done guys 🏉

Hawkstone News

⭐️Well done to Nayden  who is our star of the week ⭐️

His maturity and positive attitude to learning has been evidence in each and every lesson. Such a lovely smile everyday. Well done

In geography, we have been researching city  landmarks, we then made a comparison with London and Paris.

For PE, we have been learning about different skills needed for a range of activities. We have been working systematically.

For science, we have been learning about The Water Cycle. We conducted 2 experiments. One learning about precipitation and one where we made our own water cycle in a bag- we will observe this over time to see the outcome.

In comprehension, we have been modelling knowledge tests. This will be set as home work to enable the children to answer a selection of questions based on a text.

We have been looking at rights and responsibilities in PSHE. We discussed these giving examples of what they might look like in a real life situation.

Well done all for a fantastic week. As we approach the last week of the half term we are completing our units. We are in the middle of our independent write for English as can’t wait to share them with you.

Our first weeks in Haughmond

What a fantastic start to the new school year. All of Haughmond Class have really settled in well and are working really hard.

In Science we have been investigating how light travels in straight lines.

In PSHE we have been learning how to look after ourselves and how to keep ourselves healthy. We have been learning about the effects and risks of drugs and the importance of a healthy diet.

In art , we have been learning about the use of colour and researching the artist – Pablo Picasso.

In Geography, we have been learning about how pollution effects rivers and our wildlife.

In PE the children are making such good progress in swimming. We have also been choreographing a dance to the music of David bowie – Space Odyssey




Haughmond visit The Willow Art Gallery

Yesterday, Haughmond visited The Willow Art Gallery. We had a wonderful time completing some questions set by Mr Hughes on finding out about artists, the medium that the artists used and their thoughts about the different pieces.

There was a resident artist there who the children chatted with and asked questions to.

Finally, the children chose the art work to sketch that caught their eye.

Thank you to Mr Hughes for organising the trip. We really enjoyed it,


Great Big Green Week

From the 10th to the 18th June we as a school will be supporting ‘The Great Big Green Week’.  The children have been learning about lots of ‘green’ issues, including recycling, plastics recycling and discussing the harm plastics are doing to our environment.

The children have been set challenges and homework in relation to the green learning so please give them your best support from home.

For more information please check out the website – Great Big Green Week


Hawkstone class

🌟 Star of the week 🌟

Well done to Laila for being our star of the week- Layla joined us last week and has settled in well. She has been welcomed by all children and is such a delight to have in the class.

This week we have been busy refining our dictionary skills, we are using our alphabet skills to help us spell words and understand our set spelling in class.

In PE, we are focusing on athletics- this week is was the shot put. We used a tennis ball and learnt how to stand in the the correct position.

Year 4 science have started the new unit of ‘States of Matter’, where we learnt about particles and understood solids, liquids and gasses by acting it out on the playground.

In English, we have been researching landfills and disposal units to help us understand the in more depth as next week we will be creating a persuasive text all about the benefits and problems of landfill.

In Geography we have been locating cities on a map. We started with capital cities and moved in to 10 more across the UK.

For our art unit, we are looking at the fourth plinth challenge but Antony Gormley. We will be standing on our man-made plinth for 30 seconds and portraying the Uk now (2023) the theme is contemporary art- performance.

A fabulous week by all. Next week we will be celebrating out service values champion.