Wrekin’s Wonderful Week!

We have had a fun filled week in Wrekin!

We’ve attempted our own landscape drawings based on the work of the artist Stephen Wiltshire. We draw local buildings from memory, studying them for 10 seconds and then drawing what we could remember. 

In Science we have been thinking about the uses of different materials and why. We talked about making umbrellas from glass and metal and decided it wasn’t a good idea because of the properties of those materials.

We’ve also visited our library and spent time choosing and reading books together. The children really enjoyed this experenice and we talked about which books we enjoyed and why.

Wrekin’s First 2 weeks in 2022

Wrekin have had a brilliant first few weeks back after Christmas.

The children have come back to school ready to learn and we have had some fantastic experiences.

This half term in RE we are learning about the religion of Islam. We have learnt about where Islam started, the name of the Islamic god and what people who follow Islam are called. We have also written some Islamic words.

In Science we have been learning about Materials and have studied the properties of everyday materials. We had alot of fun feeling and testing different materials.

In Art we have been using different materials to draw spirals. We learnt that you always start from the middle when drawing spirals and really enjoyed trying all the different materials and colours.

We have been writing about dragons in English and found a dragon egg in class! It was very exciting and everyone was able to hold the egg carefully and predict what was inside.


Wrekin’s Week

It’s been another fabulous week in Wrekin class and the children have worked incredibly hard every day!

In English we have been designing and creating our own town, including labels, captions and lists. The children really enjoyed making their own buildings for the town and our finished town is something they are very proud of!

In Science we identified different habitats that animals could live in and matched animals to those habitats. There was some great discussion and the children were fantastic in working together to sort the animals correctly.


In Maths we have been continuing with Addition and Subtraction and have been learning about fact families.


Finally, in Art we have drawn factories, buildings and houses to put in front of our watercolour background from last week. Next week we will attach these and draw our people to complete our art pieces.

Wrekin’s Wonderful Week!

We’ve had another brilliant  week in Wrekin class this week!

This week we have used Google Earth to find where we live and explore the entire globe.

We have also been studying old and new maps of Oswestry and have made observations about how Oswestry has grown and changed over time.

We have also been looking at perspective in Art and have discussed how far away objects look smaller and closer objects look larger. We use watercolours to paint the background of our Lowry inspired paintings.

The children performed amazingly in Holy Trinity Church at our Harvest Festival and we hope you enjoyed the service!

Wrekin’s Week

Its been another brilliant week in Wrekin class this week!

We’ve compared old and new photos of Oswestry in our Geography lesson. Looking at the changing human features over time and the features that have stayed the same.

We’ve also been drawing and painting coastal seascapes based on the work of  LS Lowry. The children mixed primary colours to make secondary colours to use in their painting. I was amazed by some of the Art the children created! 

In Maths we’ve been finishing our Place Value to 10 and have been comparing and ordering numbers this week! The children made different numbers and ordered them using the Unifix blocks.

In our English lessons we have been describing the Big Bad Wolf and I have been so impressed with some of the writing the children have created.