Monday, 11th January Home Learning

Good morning Wrekin!

I hope you are all well and have had a good, restful weekend.  We’ve got lots of exciting activities to take part in this week.  Remember to stay in touch, send me your work, and if you have any problems or questions, you can message me on dojo or my email:

Remember we have our first Zoom Meeting today at 9.30am.  Please do join this meeting, using the following details:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 939 8865 9775
Passcode: 6uqRSr

Phonics Home Learning

Please join in with the daily live session of Read Write Inc on YouTube.  In Wrekin we are focussing on set 3.

Maths Home Learning

We are going to start our maths session off with counting to 100.  Please join in with our counting song – the counting and actions. 

Now, write your numbers from zero to one hundred, remembering to make sure your numbers are the correct way round.

In maths today we are going to focus on a Noah’s Ark problem.  Here is a picture of animals and the maths problem for you to solve:

Please solve the maths problem, this is one where you need to have a good think and use your number knowledge.  Good luck and remember to share your answers with me.

Cheeky Challenge: We have 30 children in class.  How many legs are there in total?

English Home Learning

To start our English session, I would like you to think of as many adjectives to describe my picture below (remember adjectives are describing words):

For the next few weeks in English we will be focusing our work on a book by Oliver Jeffers called What We’ll Build.  This is something we are doing as a whole school.  Let’s start by listening to the story, read by Miss Wright.

Our activity today is to make inferences based on a picture, what this means is that you will be answering questions based on looking at a picture, where the answers will be.

Let’s have a look at the page of the book below:

Based on this page, we are now going to have a think and answer the questions below.  Discuss these with someone at home first, see if they agree with you, just like we do in class with partner talk.  Then, write down your answers and share them with me.

Cheeky Challenge: What would you like to build with your hands and why?

Please remember to carry out your daily reading and your daily spellings practise.

RE Home Learning

Over the next two weeks, and as a whole school, we are going to be focussing on the bible story, Noah’s Ark.

Let’s start by listening to this bible story.

Today, we are going to be making characters to perform this bible story.  I would like you to draw the characters, cut them out and use them to tell the story through role play.  You might have other equipment at home to make your characters from, such as lolly pop sticks, craft things, cardboard.  Here are some template ideas, but please be as creative as you can.

Once you have your characters ready, practise and perform your role play.  Ask someone at home to take pictures or record your version of Noah’s Ark.  I cannot wait to see these!

Have a great day, stay safe and keep in touch.

Wrekin, Lawley and Caradoc’s Zoom Meeting

Hello everyone!

We hope you are all well and staying safe.  We will be holding our first zoom meeting on Monday, 11th January at 9.30am and would like you all to join.  Children who are in school will also be part of the meeting.  The details are:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 939 8865 9775
Passcode: 6uqRSr

Have a good weekend, stay safe and we look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Mrs Thompstone, Mr Hughes and Miss Wright

Art 08/01/2021- Dinosaur Drawing

I thought for Friday afternoon we could have a go at drawing our own dinosaurs!

Did Dinosaurs Really Have Feathers? | Britannica

We’ve learnt a lot about dinosaurs, from when they lived to what they ate. I’d like you today to design and create your own dinosaur and carefully draw and colour it.

Fossils of a new dromaeosaur date to the end of the Age of Dinosaurs | Science News

Below are some videos with step by step guides you can follow to draw your own dinosaurs. You can use these or go for it yourself!

Make sure to colour your dinosaur aswell!


I’d love to know more about your dinosaur. Can you write a fact file about them for me?

I would love to know your dinosaurs name, what it looked like, how big it was and what it ate!

You can use the sheet below or make your own.



Wrekin Spellings! 08/01/2021

Hello Wrekin!

This week our spellings are from the Common Exception Word list and are words we use everyday and are very important.

If you would like the practise sheet please find it below

:Common Exception Word Sheet

Today we are going to write a sentence with each spelling in. Remember Capital Letters and Full Stops Stickers | x 56

I will do the first:

I saw a huge rhino and a vicious lion.

Send me a picture of your brilliant sentences on the class email:


Wrekin Geography lesson- The UK

Today we will be looking at the United Kingdom which is the group of countries that we live in.

United Kingdom Map | England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales

The UK is an island made up of 4 countries.

If you click on the link below there is a video, quize and short activity for you to do.

Click me to go to the video!

After you have learnt about the countries of the UK you can try some of these activities.

UK Flags Colouring

UK Colouring Sheet 

English Lesson 7th January 2021

Hello Wrekin, today we will be looking at adjectives again.

Describing words are also known as adjectives. They describe nouns (the names of things or of places).

You can use lots of adjectives in your sentences.

For example: There is a huge and spiky plant outside my window.

Adjectives make our sentences so much better!

I’d like you to have a go at describing a monster for me!

Can you write a description of this monster using the adjectives next to it. You’ll have to pick them carefully though.

Cute monster … | Cartoon monsters, Cute monsters, Happy cartoonSend you 30 original cute monster clip art images by Loneanimator

You can also draw and colour your own monster and then describe that in sentences!