A few more ideas……

Try a rainbow scavenger hunt…..

What is in the box?

Secretly put something into a box so it cannot be seen. If you do not have a box to use, try using a bag instead or even hiding the object under a towel.  Your child tries to guess what it is by feeling the object (no peeking!) Or you could try describing the object so your child has to listen carefully to the clues you give and guess what the object is. Swap roles so your child hides an object, and you either feel to guess what it is or your child describes it to you. If your child finds it difficult to describe the objects, you could ask them questions about the object and try to work out what it is from their answers.

Does it float?

Using a washing up bowl, find objects that float or sink. Discuss floating and sinking. Then sort the objects into two groups, those that float and those that sink. This activity could also be done at bath time! Objects you could use might be: a stone, plastic brick, a sponge, a sock, a spoon, a plastic cup, plastic toy animal or dinosaur, a leaf or a small ball.