Home Learning Ideas

This week and next week the home learning ideas will look a bit different. As it is the Easter Holidays I am aware that perhaps other family members who have been going to work maybe at home, you maybe celebrating religious holidays or simply wanting to relax a bit more. For that  reason I will not post a daily Maths and Literacy activity, but a list of ideas that you can work through as you wish over the week.

Literacy Ideas

  • Continue to read using Bug Club. I am able to check the reading activity and add new books as needed, so please keep using this amazing resource!
  • Keep up with the tricky words – make it as fun as possible, I spy games, pairs, playing teachers, beat the timer, toe tap game, adults getting them wrong and so on. Mix it up so there is a balance between reading and writing the words.
  • Whole name writing – ensuring letters are formed correctly, capital letters are only used at the start of names and letter reversals are corrected.
  • It would be lovely if you could make and write Easter cards this week. The children know about writing who a card is to and from. They will need support in choosing who to send the card to and in writing their ‘Happy Easter’ message. Perhaps you could walk and post your cards?
  • Here are some Easter Card ideas. 
  • Find some funny pictures and ask your child to write about them, using the ‘I can see…’ sentence starter.
  • Read a story to your child and talk about the beginning, middle and end of the story. Ask them to draw and write about their favourite part.
  • Chalk writing or water painting on the ground/wall/fence in your safe outdoor area.
  • Dip the pointy end of a carrot into some paint and use this to draw or write with instead of a pen!

Maths Ideas

  • Using a number line or a 100 square, challenge your child to find a certain number. Make it harder by giving them clues instead of saying the number. For example “Find the number that is 1 more than 14”.
  • 0-20 number line
  • 100 square
  • Do a daily maths workout – 10 star jumps, 20 air punches etc. Complete the count to 100 song and actions
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TgLtF3PMOc&t=30s 
  • Play board games that involve counting along a board a certain number of spaces.
  • Look for numbers or shapes when you go on your daily walk.
  •  Play shops with your child again – talk about the money, what it looks and feels like. Can they identify the numbers on the coins?
  • Roll two dice or turn over two playing/number cards. Use these numbers to work out addition or subtractions.
  • Play number toss – make a line of plates or sheets of paper with numbers on them (any numbers your child will recognise). Ball up a pair of socks and toss them to land on a number. What number has it landed on? Try again, will the number it lands on be more or less? Can you add up the numbers you land on? Can you find the number on the 100 square? And so on… Older or younger siblings would also enjoy this activity. The picture shows paper plates and beanbags being used, but sheets of paper and balled up socks will work just as well!
  • Other Ideas
  • Make some Easter nest cakes. – Melt some chocolate either in the microwave or in a bowl over hot water. Mix in some breakfast cereal and stir so the cereal is covered. (I have used Rice Krispies, Cornflakes, crushed Shreddies, crushed Weetabix and Shredded Wheat and all work well.) Spoon the mixture into cake cases. Add some small chocolate eggs (or jelly beans will also work). Put the cakes into the fridge to harden.
  • Use dry pasta and glue to decorate egg shapes cut out of cardboard or paper. When dry they can be painted.
  • Use lego at bath time! Can the children build a waterfall? A lake? Can they catch any water?
  • Can the children take plastic dolls into the bath? Perhaps wash Barbie’s hair?
  • Use paint (or nail varnish) to paint rocks. They could be any design, perhaps easter eggs or insects? Or you could paint some ‘o’ and ‘x’ on some to play noughts and crosses. Either chalk the grid onto the floor or make one using tape or sticks.
  • Make a ‘no sew ‘Easter Bunny! Here is a link.
  •  https://dynamicdad.uk/activities-craft/how-to-make-a-no-sew-sock-bunny

I hope that you all have a good week, and thank you again to those who have contacted me with work their children have been doing at home. I hope you have a Happy Easter.