Thursday Literacy

Good Morning, I hope you are all well.

Today I’d like your child to read this book to you.

Ask your child to write the answers to these questions. For those who are able to I would like them to answer by writing in a full sentence. For example

  1. Where does the pink crab sit? Answers could be ‘The sand’ ‘On the sand’ or ‘The pink crab sits on the sand’
  2. What colour is the big crab?
  3. What does the pink crab say when it is running away?
  4. Is the pink crab big or small?

Encourage your child to do their best writing and to use full sentences if they can. We have done a lot of work in class about verbally answering questions in full sentences and about writing in sentences. Remind them about using the correct spellings for the tricky words they know. Remind them to carefully sound out each word in the sentence and to use their finger spaces. Encourage only using capital letters at the start of a sentence and using a full stop at the end of a sentence.

If you can photograph their work and email to me at I can see how they are getting on and make a comment on their work. Thanks to those who have already been in touch via email. It is lovely to hear how you are and see what you have been up to.