Tuesday Literacy

Log into the Phonics Play website. Select phase 3 and play the game ‘Picnic on Pluto’. The children can sound out and read the words and then decide if the word is a real word or a made up word. If it is real they drag it to Bob, if it is not a real word they drag it to Obb!


There is a link below to a worksheet. Talk about the pictures with your children. Together think of how to finish the sentences. Encourage the children to use their phonic knowledge to finish writing the sentences. Remind them to think about each sound they can hear in each word (for example, 4 letter sounds in the word milk.  (m – i – l – k ) Remind the children to use their finger spaces.

farm caption writing  

Play I spy with your child. Use phonic sounds instead of letter names (for example ‘buh’ for ball) It might be easier to collect a variety of objects use these as the objects to spy.