Tuesday Literacy Work

Today I have written your children a letter.


Encourage your child to read this letter to you. They should be able to have really good go at reading lots of the words, as many of them can be ‘sounded’ out using their phonics. The red words are ‘tricky words’ that they will know. I have underlined the ‘special friend (digraph) sounds. I have highlighted the capital letters used for names in yellow. Ask the children why those letters are highlighted!

Please ask your children to write me a letter. I’d love to hear how they are and for them to tell me what they have been doing at home. Remind them to start their letter with ‘To Mrs Allcock’ and end it with ‘from Name’ . Ask them to sound out the words carefully and write as many sounds from the words as they can. Remind them about using tricky words and remind them about finger spaces. Please take a photograph of their letter and email it to me. I am checking my email regularly and responding to them. Here is the class email address for you  clee@holytrinitycepa.co.uk 

Please log onto bug club with your child today. Log ins and passwords are found on the stickers inside your child’s blue reading diary. Ask your child to read you a story, and then you read a different one to them.  https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk/login?c=0