Wednesday Literacy Work

Today I would like the children to read these sentences.

Now I’d like the children to think of and write some sentences. I’d like them to write three sentences. Discuss these three pictures. Help your child to think of a sentence they could write about each one. Remind the children to hold the sentnce in their heads. Practise saying the sentence a few times so the children are famiiar with what you want them to write. Remind them to carefully sound out the words they want to use in the sentence. Remind them to use finger spaces and punctuation.

Please practise first name and surname writing with your child. Remind them to only use a capital letter at the start of names. Please encourage correct letter formation and correct any reversals.

Here is a link to an online reading game your child will enjoy. Your child needs to help the alien. To do this they will need to identify a picture and then put the letters in the correct order to spell the word that matches the picture.