Wednesday Maths Work

Your children love this song. They are amazed by the big numbers!

Say a number to 20. Ask your child to do that many star jumps/high kicks/fist pumps/claps etc. Repeat a few times.

Can your child spot any numbers in your house? (clocks/timers/on toys etc)

Challenge your child to bring you 1 book, 2 spoons, 3 socks etc

Here are some sheets with missing numbers. Your child needs to fill in the gaps. I have started with missing numbers up to 10. Most will be able to do this and also the next sheet  which has missing numbers to up 20. There is another which has missing numbers to 50 and then another which has missing numbers to 100. If your child completes the first two sheets easily then challenge them to the up to 50 sheet. They will need your support to complete it. The 100 sheet is a very tricky challenge, although I know there are a few in the class with amazing number skills who will really enjoy tackling it!

missing numbers to 10

missing numbers to 20

missing numbers to 50

missing numbers to 100

If you are not able to print off these sheets, you can make your own. Write out the  numbers in order up to whichever number you think your child is confident counting to. Miss out some of the numbers and leave spaces for your child to fill in the numbers.

When completing the sheets ask your child how they know which number is missing. Encourage them to use sentences such as ‘I know it is 5 because that is the number that comes after 4’ or ‘I know it is 5 because that number comes before 6’ or ‘I know it is 5 because that is the next number’.

If you have number cards you could try this activity. Ask your child to put the cards in order. Remove a few – which number is missing? How do you know? Can you find the missing numbers and fill in the gaps? You could also use magnetic numbers on your fridge to try this if you have them.

Here is a link to a game that reinforces missing numbers.