A Big Thankyou!

I wanted to say a huge thank you to those who contributed to the beautiful video posted on the school Facebook page. I know the staff at school really appreciated it.

So many of you have been in touch via email and sent in fantastic examples of home learning. Here are just a selection….

Alex has been working hard on her maths. Well done Alex!

Brodi has made a lovely letter, thanking his postman. He has also worked hard on writing his tricky words.

Elsie has written fantastic sentences starting with ‘I like…’

Rianna has been working hard using a number line to subtract. She has also drawn a beautiful picture. 

Oscar has used coloured pens to practise his tricky words and has drawn and labelled an amazing train picture. 

Eddie and Allan have both been busy baking this weekend. Their cakes look delicious! Well done both.

I promised I would bake too this weekend, so here is the cake I have made.