A few more ideas to keep you busy!

Make fruit apple lollies.

Cut apples into thick slices. If you have small cookie cutters you could use these to cut out a shape in the centre of the slices. This will also get rid of the tough core. Push a lolly stick into the bottom of the apple slice. (you could use a skewer or a spoon of you don’t have lolly sticks) Melt some chocolate and dip the apple slices into it. If you have sprinkles the lolly could be dipped into these too! Put the apple lollies into the fridge to set.

Make a leaf person.

Collect different leaves from your garden or on your walk. Arrange them to make them into a person. You can glue them onto paper to make your person last longer!

Practise Cutting Skills

Cut paper into strips. Draw different types of lines onto each piece of paper. Ask your child to cut along the lines.

Create an obstacle course

Chalk instructions onto the ground for your child to follow. If it is safe to do so you could do this on the pavement outside your house so that other people can have a go on their daily walk.

Thank You Postie!

Draw a picture or write a letter to say thank you to your postman or woman. Stick it to your door so they can see it when they deliver your mail. You may need to warn your child that the postal worker may decide to keep the picture!