Additional Ideas – Julia Donaldson Work

This week, the additional work is about the book Zog, by Julia Donaldson.
Here is the link to the animated version on BBC iplayer. 

Monday – Write a list of the skills Zog needed to learn at school to become a good dragon. Use the title ‘To be a good dragon you must….’

Tuesday – In the story, the Princess dreams of becoming a doctor when she grows up. What would you like to be when you grow up? Can you draw a picture of yourself as a grown up and write the sentence ‘When I grow up I want to be a ……….’

Wednesday – Imagine you are having a ride on Zog’s back whilst he is flying around. What would you see? Where would you like to go? Talk about this with your grown up. I would love to fly over mountains covered in snow!

Thursday – Imagine Zog has taken you to the places you talked about yesterday. Can you write a postcard to me from there? Tell me what it is like. Is it hot or cold? What can you see there? What fun things can you do?

Friday – Zog’s super power is being able to fly. I would love to have a super power that means I can talk to animals! What super power would you like to have? Write the sentence ‘The super power I would like is…….. so that I can……..’