Additional Ideas – Science, Music and RE.

Science Experiment

Use a plastic container to make a boat (a margarine or ice cream tub would work well). Float it in a sink, bath or in a bowl of water. What items can you put in the boat to make it sink? Can you add items so it will still float? Sort the items into those that make the boat sink and those that allow it to float. Discuss with your child the link to the maths session where you were weighing objects.


Music Time

Make a plastic shaker by using an empty bottle and putting in some uncooked rice. The bottle be decorated with stickers or paper shapes or paint if you want to make the activity more creative.

Shakers song:

Sing to the tune of Row Your Boat:

Shake, shake, shake your shaker,

shake it just like me,

Shake it loud, shake it loud

Shake it just like me.

Change how you play your shaker-quiet, fast, high etc. the children will come up with some original ideas I’m sure.

You can change the instruments too!

Here are additional verses for different instruments with easy to find at home ideas to use next to them. Verses are sung to the same tune.

Tap tap tap your sticks…   (use 2 pencils)

Tap tap tap your bricks… (use 2 building blocks)

Bang bang bang your drum… (use a tin can, cardboard box or upturned plastic tub)


This video shows a story from the Bible. It tells of what happened when Jesus was in a boat with his disciples and there was a big storm…