An Amazing Start!

Wow! What a busy few weeks Clee Reception Class have had. Our teachers are so proud of how we have all settled into Holy Trinity School.

Our topic this half term is ‘Superheroes’. Our learning will be linked to this topic. Here is an overview showing some of the activities we will be doing.

half term overview

We have taken part in lots of exciting learning activities over the last two weeks. We have been cooking in our mud kitchen (sometimes using apples and pears picked off our trees!)


We have been developing our fine motor skills by using tweezers, scissors, hammers and pincer grips.


We have also been developing our gross motor skills by exploring our outdoor area.


We enjoyed colour mixing paint, making marks using different brushes and tools.


Our literacy skills are developing, and we are enjoying phonic activities and stories.


Our Christian Values this half term are courage and service. We heard the story ‘David and Goliath’ We tried to knock over the giant using beanbags!


Tomorrow is our ‘Superhero Day’, more pictures to follow…