Clee – Cow Week!

We have done lots of our learning this week by using cows! We heard the story ‘Click Clack Moo, Cows that Type’. We wrote our own letters to Farmer Brown, imagining what the ducks would like on their pond. We had lots of fantastic ideas, such as warm water, diving boards and toys for the ducks to play with. We even had a type writer in class to have a go at typing out letters.

In Maths we have worked on part whole models. We shared some cows out between two fields. We realised that there are lots of different ways we can share the cows, but that the total will always be the same, unless we add or take away.


In KUW we learnt where milk comes from. We knew milk came from cows, but we now know that milk comes from a cows udder and about the process of milking cows and then what happens to milk before we buy it from a shop. We then explored the concept of changing the colour, favour and texture of milk by adding chocolate milk shake powder and angel delight mix to it.



World Book Day was great fun! We came in dressed up as our favourite book characters. We drew selfies and wrote about our characters and costumes. Then we had a fashion show in the hall!