Clee Home Learning

Thank you so much for all the support you have given your children with their home learning over the last few months. It has been a challenging time for us all, and your efforts to continue to provide education for your children at home have been amazing. I have been so grateful for the communication I have had with many of you and thank you for your kind words of support. Clee Class have all been super stars and I am honoured to have been their teacher, even if their time in my classroom was cut short. I am so proud of all the children and really miss seeing them.

However, we are having to look forward and plan ahead for the next academic year. This, as you can imagine in the current situation, is taking a great deal of thought, time and effort. I am working with the Senior Leadership Team to ensure transitions into Nursery, Reception and Year One happen as smoothly as possible within the current government guidelines.

As the bubbles of children attending school are growing, so too are planning requirements for these pupils.

The decision has therefore been made to combine the home learning for Nursery, Clee and Earls Hill. Mrs Taylor is not currently assigned to a bubble at school and so will be taking over the planning and posting of the home learning curriculum. She will be liaising with both myself and Mrs Meddins. The Nursery and Clee Class email is still operating and I will be checking and responding to emails. If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you again for all your support. Mrs Allcock