Clee’s First Week of 2022

7 Reasons To Love New Year's Eve - New Year's Day

Happy New Year and welcome back to school. We hope you all had a really lovely Christmas.


The children have settled back into school amazingly. They have all received a huge amount of Dojo points for their good behaviour and good listening during the week.


We started the term by talking about what we had been doing during the Christmas break. Some of the children talked about Father Christmas/Santa/Saint Nicholas bringing them presents and told each other about the presents they had received. They then drew pictures and wrote about what they had enjoyed most.


In Maths we have been learning about zero and subtraction. We sang and acted out the song ‘Five currant buns in a baker’s shop’. We learned what is one less than and said the number sentence.


We have signed up to the RSPB Big School’s Birdwatch. This lasts from 5th to 28th January. Each Wednesday we will be joining in activities and learning more about the birdwatch. This week we went bird spotting in the field with our bird checklists:



As we have been learning and exploring during the week many of the children have shown an interest in treasure maps. They drew their own treasure maps and labelled them. They then took these outside and pretended to look for treasure. Following on from this we had a map and a clue delivered to our classroom (the children think it was a pirate who delivered it!) We then all listened carefully to the clue which described where the next clue was hidden. The clues led us to a treasure chest! We then joined other treasure activities including colouring by numbers and writing tricky words on coins.

We continued our pirate interest into our Maths learning. In our class on Friday there was the bad Pirate Dallow who wanted to take all Captain Meddins’s gold coins. Captain Meddins asked the children to look after some gold coins for her however Pirate Dallow realised this and tried to take the gold coins from the children! Pirate Dallow gave the children a number problem to work out before they put the correct number of coins into Pirate Dallow’s bag. She even made some children walk the plank! Luckily we managed to stop Pirate Dallow and take back the gold coins. We even made her walk the plank!


Next week we will be starting our learning which will be linked to the book ‘Let’s all creep down Crocodile Creek’ by Jonny Lambert. We have started to change some of the areas in our classroom to link them to the topic:


Have a lovely weekend everyone,                                                                                                                                Mrs Meddins and Mrs Dallow.