Easter in Reception


We have had another busy week in Reception.



We talked about Easter and what we know about it.

We then listened to the Easter story and talked about the reason we celebrate Easter.



In Literacy we made Easter cards and wrote inside them. 



In Maths we have been continuing to learn about number bonds. We used our fingers and then numicon to make number bonds to 5 and then 10. We played ‘musical number bonds’ when we each had a piece of numicon and danced to the music. When the music stopped we had to find a partner who had a piece of numicon to make 5 and then 10:



In LEX time we had lots of Easter activities to choose from:



We made Easter nests. We talked about what happened to the chocolate when it was in the microwave and we decided how much chocolate we needed to make our nests a good consistency:




We went on an Easter bonnet parade through school to show off the Easter bonnets we had made at home and in school:




Thank you to the children and families who joined in our under the sea home learning project. The children presented theirs to the class and this week they have been on display for everyone to see:




On Friday we thought the Easter Bunny may bring us some Easter eggs. But Mrs Meddins had a phone call to say that the Easter Bunny has chickenpox; we were all very disappointed. But everything turned out to be okay because the Easter Bunny had arranged for his cousin Peter Rabbit to bring our Easter eggs. The Easter Bunny hid them outside and later we all did an Easter egg hunt.



We would like to wish you all a very Happy Easter!

  See you on Monday 25th April.

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