Feeling festive in Clee 🎄


We have had an exciting festive week this week.


On Monday the children had a great time decorating the Christmas tree:



In Maths we have been learning about parts and whole. Mr Cartwright has spent some time teaching the children using many different ideas. They have then continued these in small groups and independently during Maths activities time:




The special helper has been finding the next pocket in our Advent calendar and enjoying the treat they have found inside:




On Wednesday we enjoyed dressing in our Christmas jumpers, making hats to wear for our Christmas dinner, making Christmas cards and eating the delicious Christmas dinner with our friends:



Jack, Esmee and Levi enjoyed show and tell. The children are now getting really good at asking their friends questions about the show and tell items:




We have had lots of festive activities inside during LEX time and joined in many activities outside which have followed the children’s interests:



Next week for our final week we will be continuing the festive fun learning. We will also be having our Christmas party and going to church.