Final Farm Topic Photos

We have learned lots through our farm topic and our amazing trip to Park Hall Farm. We have enjoyed lots of engaging farm themed learning activities – from planting seeds, digging up vegetables and making soup in the mud kitchen, to milking cows and making milk shakes! We have built tractors in the outdoor construction area and labelled up the farm.

We had some special visitors into school to support our learning about ‘The Ugly Duckling’ and ‘Farmer Duck’. Our new shelter area was turned into a duck home for us to meet and feed the ducks, watch them swimming and splashing and even stroke them gently.

To support this learning, we even played hook a duck and ‘duck, duck goose’ It was a great morning!

Our farm topic is now finished. It has been a great experience that we have all gained a lot of knowledge from. We are looking forward to our next topic, learning all about ‘space’!