Friday Maths

Ted and Pup are playing a game with their cars. They are practising using positional language.

First Ted tells pup to put his car on the table. Is he right?

How about now?

They swap over, Pup tells Ted to put his car behind him. Is he right?

How about now?

Play a game with your child. You will need a toy your child can position. Start by giving them verbal instructions such as “Put your toy in front of the sofa” or “Put your toy under the table”.

Then alter the game so you position the toy somewhere and your child tells you where you have put it. Encourage them to tell you where the toy is using a full sentence. For example they might say “The toy is on the TV” or “The toy is behind the sofa”.

This picture will give you an idea of the positional language children in reception are expected to use and understand.