Friday Maths

Please practise counting up to 20. Don’t just start at number 1 though, tell your child any number (or write down a number and show it to them) and that is where they start to count from!

Challenge your child to count backwards from 20 to 0. Most can do backwards from 10 easily, from 20 it’s a bit tricky getting through the teen numbers. It might be helpful to show them a number line (printed off from here, shown on a screen or written out yourself) to help them

0-20 number line

Practice number formation – call out a number and ask your child to write that number the best they can. They will probably be less confident with teens numbers. Use coloured pens to make the task more interesting for your child. Please point out and correct any reversals.

If you have a board game that involves numbers, please play this with yor child.

Here is a link to a game your child might enjoy playing.

Advance Warning! On Monday the maths activity will need pennies – if possible please collect some for your child to use. If you are unable to do this, perhaps some could be made from circles of paper or card.