Happy New Year Clee


Happy New Year everyone!


It has been great to welcome the children back to school. They have come back after the Christmas break excited and enthusiastic. It is lovely to have a full class again!


In Literacy this week we talked about what the children had been doing during the Christmas holiday. They talked about Father Christmas/Santa, food they had eaten, presents and things they had done with their family. They drew a picture and wrote some words and captions.



In Maths we have recapped on part-whole. We talked about the parts of our body and snag head, shouldres, knees and toesThe children joined in activities to demonstrate their understanding:




Here is some of the other learning taken place:


 During LEX time some of the childen were building dens. It was a very windy day and they noticed that the wind was blowing the tarpaulin sheet. This learning was extended by the children making their own kites and then flying them. It wasn’t such a windy day and so they realised they needed to run fast to make their kite fly. Some of the Nursery children joined in this activity too:

In Picture News we learned about wind turbines. This linked in with our kite making. The children were very interested in what the wind is useful for. Following on from this we will read the story of The Little Red Hen and learn more about how wind turbines produce electricity.


Mr Carruthers brought a hedgehog to show us. He had rescued it from the road. The children talked about the hedgehog being small and prickly. Mrs Morgan is going to look after the hedgehog at home.


We talked about our half term value ‘Perseverance’. We listened to and discussed the story of the Hare and the Tortoise.



Next week we will start our new Literacy text ‘Naughty Bus’.

Each week we will learn to say ‘hello’ in a different language. Next week we will learn how to say hello in Bulgarian as there are a few children in the class who speak Bulgarian at home.