Monday 11th January Clee and Earls Hill Reception Maths

Start by joining the Numberblocks to count up to 10. You can watch the whole video (14 minutes) or skip through to each song (1 – 10) 

Today you are going to be working on counting up to 10 objects accurately. You will need these resources from your pack to help with the lesson

  • 1 – 10 number cards
  • The tens frame (Please ask your grown up to draw you another one so you have two that you can use)

  • You will also need 10 small objects you can count (Lego pieces, blocks, coins, buttons, pieces of dry pasta, small toy animals etc.)
  • The number line

  • Paper and pencils

Now please watch this video from the Online Oak Academy

At the end of the video lesson, it will ask you to pause an complete the work. At this point please ask your child to turn over one of the number cards. Ask your child to count out that many small objects. Make sure they count carefully. Can they find the matching number on the number line? Repeat this activity a number of times.

To extend your child, you could ask them to draw the correct number of circles onto their paper. For example, if your child turns over the number 4 card they would first count out 4 objects. Then they would find the number 4 on the number line. Then they would draw 4 circles onto their paper.