Monday 11th January – Noah’s Ark

Our afternoon work this week is linked to the story Noah’s Ark. Here is the story.

Noah had lots of different animals in the story. He chose two of each type of animal. These animals will have babies. Today we are going to be learning about different animals and their babies. Watch this video about animals and their babies.

Now I’d like you all to choose an animal, draw a picture of it as an adult and a baby.

You can also log onto Purple Mash using your logins.

Reception children (Clee class and Earls Hill Cygnets) Enter the Mini Mash section of the website and visit ‘Simple City’ Encourage your child to explore the zoo and farm areas to learn more about animals.

Year 1 children (Earls Hill Swans) Log onto Purple Mash and click on the 2do tab at the top. I have set a 2do for you to chose animal pictures and write about them.  Click on the + symbol and select a baby animal. Think of and type a sentence about it. Then in the space underneath, click on the + symbol to select the matching adult animal. Type a sentence about this animal.