Monday 11th January Reception Literacy (Clee and Earls Hill Cygnets)

The Literacy work this week in based on the story ‘What We’ll Build’ by Oliver Jeffers.

Here is the story…

Here is the first picture from the story.


What is the same about the hands? What is different? Look at your hands – are they the same or different to your grown – ups hands?

Do you think both pairs of the hands are going to build one thing together or will they work separately to build two things?

Here is the next picture from the story. Do you know the names of any of the tools? Talk about them with your grown up. What does each tool do?

Today I’d like you to draw 5 of the tools. Use your phonics to sound out, spell and write labels for the tools.

Please take a photograph of your work and send it to us via Dojo or the class email.

Can you read a Bug Club book too, and practise reading the Phase 2 Red Tricky words from your pack please.