Thursday 21st January 2021. Literacy home learning for Clee Class and Earls Hill Reception (Cygnets)


Good morning Reception children and families!


Here is ‘What We’ll Build’ by Oliver Jeffers read by Miss Wright for you to listen to again if you wish:


Today we are going to be talking about this picture from the story:

What We'll Build: Plans For Our Together Future: Jeffers, Oliver: 9780593206751: Books



The man and the little girl are resting. Do you know what they are lying in? They look very comfortable don’t they? I wonder what they’re thinking about. Talk to your grown up about the picture and what you think the little girl is thinking about.

Now I would like you to pretend that you are comfy and snug; you might be in your bed, on your sofa, in a den or somewhere else. You can actually take yourself to that place if you’d like to. When you are relaxed and comfy and snug what are you thinking about? Maybe you might have a little nap and have a dream. You might think about your toys or your family, you might dream about your friends in school or going somewhere special. Talk to your grown up about your dream or what you are thinking.

Now I would like you to draw a picture of where you are when you get snug. I’d then like you to draw a dream bubble. Your picture might look a bit like this one:

Now I would like you to write about your thoughts or your dream in the dream bubble. If you can I would like you to write using a full sentence. You may write ‘My dream is…..’ or ‘I am thinking about ……’ Your grown up can help you if you find it a bit tricky

I look forward to seeing all of your pictures and writing. I have been giving lots of children dojo points for all their amazing work they’ve been sending me.





Today I would also like you to play ‘I spy’ with someone in your family and read a book while you are in your snug and comfy place.


I think it is going to be a cold and rainy day today so here are links to some online Phonics games which you can play. You can start by playing Phase 1 or Phase 2 games