Monday 18th January 2021. Maths home learning for Clee Class and Earls Hill Reception (Cygnets)


To start our maths today we are going to join in with some counting songs:


This week the maths home learning is going to start by learning about more and fewer.

For any children who may find this a little tricky please scroll down to the bottom of this page and there is some home learning about the number 1.

You will need these resources to help you with the lesson:

  • 3 pieces of paper or card
  • a pencil
  • scissors
  • small objects (Lego pieces, blocks, coins, buttons, pieces of dry pasta, small toy animals etc.)

First I would like you to draw a shape onto each piece of paper; 1 triangle, 1 square and 1 circle. I would like you to cut them out. 

I would like you to estimate (guess) how many toys (e.g. plastic superheroes) you think you can fit into the circle? Write down your guess.

Now put the objects into the circle and count them. Did you guess right?

Do you think you can fit more or fewer objects into the triangle? Tell your grown up why  you think this? Then put as many objects as you can fit into the triangle. Did you fit in more or less? Did you guess right?

Now I would like you to do the same with the square.


Here is a game for you to play about more:

And fewer


This link is for any children who need a little more help and support with learning about early numbers. Today the learning is about recognising, counting and representing the number 1